ALMO-EDA with user-defined basis

Hi, I’m trying to run bonded ALMO-EDA with a user-defined basis but am running into issues. My system is singlet H2. Each fragment is a doublet H. The QChem version is 6.0.1. Below is my input:

   0 1
--  An alpha spin H atom
   0 2
--  Another alpha spin H atom. Bonded ALMO-EDA does not need the multiplicities to sum to that of the molecule
   0 -2
   H2 H1 0.741

   JOBTYPE            eda                       # use almo-eda
   METHOD             wb97x-v                   # note: bonded eda examples only "EXCHANGE" instead of METHOD. Why?
   BASIS              gen              		# chosen because PySCF uses 'full' by default
   EDA2               10                        # EDA2 = 10 for bonded EDA. Use EDA2 = 2 otherwise
   BONDED_EDA         2                         # (1) Perform ALMO-EDA with non-orthogonal CI. (2) Perform ALMO-EDA with spin-projected formalism, which is more efficient
   SCF_CONVERGENCE    6                         # convergence in H = 10^SCF_CONVERGENCE
   MAX_SCF_CYCLES     200
   ROSCF              true                      # required for bonded EDA
   SCF_GUESS          fragmo
   DISP_FREE_X      HF                          # HF recommended for hybrid functionals (B97X-V), revPBE recommended for semi-local functionals (B97M-V)
   DISP_FREE_C      NONE                        # put PBE if DISP_FREE_X is revPBE, NONE if DISP_FREE_X is set to an exchange-correlation functional
   EDA_BSSE         true
   SCF_ALGORITHM      gdm_ls
   SCFMI_MODE         1                         # required for bonded EDA
   SCF_PRINT_FRGM     true
   FRZ_RELAX          true

   scf_convergence   7
   scf_algorithm     gdm_ls
   scf_guess         AUTOSAD

	H  0
	S  6  1.00
	23.103031490634763   0.006636413216534018
	4.235915530697191   0.03574833003218233
	1.1850565166493239   0.12205795626873055
	0.40709890088449535   0.26836711112905565
	0.1580884170135276   0.3016293830698489
	0.06510954084287202   0.0943898892708209

and the output:

             Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
    I     Atom           X                Y                Z
    1      H       0.0000000000     0.0000000000     0.0000000000
 Nuclear Repulsion Energy =           0.00000000 hartrees
 There are        1 alpha and        0 beta electrons
 Requested basis set is non-standard
 There are 1 shells and 1 basis functions

 Total QAlloc Memory Limit   8000 MB
 Mega-Array Size       188 MB
 MEM_STATIC part       192 MB

 A cutoff of  1.0D-10 yielded      1 shell pairs
 There are         1 function pairs
 Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 1.00E+00

 Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e+00/1.000000e+00/1.000000e+00

 Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
 Guess MOs from core Hamiltonian diagonalization

  General SCF calculation program by
  Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
  David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
  Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
  Bang C. Huynh
 Exchange:     0.1670 Hartree-Fock + 1.0000 wB97X-V + LR-HF
 Correlation:  1.0000 wB97X-V
 Using SG-2 standard quadrature grid
 Nonlocal Correlation:  VV10 with C = 0.0100 and b = 6.00 and scale = 1.00000
 Grid used for NLC:  SG-1 standard quadrature
Printing hybrid method specification in gen_scfman_hybrid_algorithm
algorithm ALGO_ID will be run until the its iterations, ALGO_ITER, are exhausted
or until the gradient/residual is below the 1E-ALGO_CONV of the last algorithm
  ALGO_ID        ALGO_CONV         ALGO_ITER
  GDM_LS                  0           200
  GDM                     6           200
Energy prior to optimization (guess energy) = -0.500207110815
Begin Timing: Total SCF Calculation
Begin Timing: Algorithm 1
begin iterations for algorithm: GDM_LS       
the SCF tolerance is set to 1.00e-06
GDM subspace size: 20
0 degrees of freedom in requested optimization
0 degrees of freedom in requested optimization
0 degrees of freedom in requested optimization
    1      -0.5002071108      0.00e+00     00000 Convergence criterion met
The entire SCF was completed on algorithm stage 1, with algorithm GDM_LS       
Timing for Total SCF: 0.00s (wall), 0.03s (cpu)
<S^2> =          0.750000000
                    Orbital Energies (a.u.)
 Alpha MOs
 -- Occupied --
          Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges

     Atom                 Charge (a.u.)    Spin (a.u.)
      1 H                     0.000000       1.000000
  Sum of atomic charges =     0.000000
  Sum of spin   charges =     1.000000

                    Cartesian Multipole Moments
    Charge (ESU x 10^10)
    Dipole Moment (Debye)
         X       0.0000      Y       0.0000      Z       0.0000
       Tot       0.0000
    Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
        XX      -1.3450     XY       0.0000     YY      -1.3450
        XZ       0.0000     YZ       0.0000     ZZ      -1.3450
    Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
       XXX       0.0000    XXY       0.0000    XYY       0.0000
       YYY       0.0000    XXZ       0.0000    XYZ       0.0000
       YYZ       0.0000    XZZ       0.0000    YZZ       0.0000
       ZZZ       0.0000
    Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
      XXXX      -1.6945   XXXY       0.0000   XXYY      -0.5648
      XYYY       0.0000   YYYY      -1.6945   XXXZ       0.0000
      XXYZ       0.0000   XYYZ       0.0000   YYYZ       0.0000
      XXZZ      -0.5648   XYZZ       0.0000   YYZZ      -0.5648
      XZZZ       0.0000   YZZZ       0.0000   ZZZZ      -1.6945


   Translational Enthalpy:        0.889 kcal/mol
   Rotational Enthalpy:           0.000 kcal/mol
   Vibrational Enthalpy:          0.000 kcal/mol
   gas constant (RT):             0.592 kcal/mol
   Translational Entropy:        26.014  cal/mol.K
   Rotational Entropy:            0.000  cal/mol.K
   Vibrational Entropy:           0.000  cal/mol.K

   Total Enthalpy:                1.481 kcal/mol
   Total Entropy:                26.014  cal/mol.K


 Total job time:  0.53s(wall), 4.39s(cpu) 
 Wed May 15 11:32:02 2024

        *                                                           *
        *  Thank you very much for using Q-Chem.  Have a nice day.  *
        *                                                           *

 Done Job For Fragment 0
 calling putenv with: QCSCRATCH=/scratch/users/alannal2/11135968.v2GejzU/test/ 
 calling putenv with: QCTHREADS=40 
 Time for running child jobs:  CPU 1.56 s  wall 0.64 s
 ============= Method Specific SAD Guess Constructed =============
 Guess from on-the-fly superposition of atomic densities
 Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational

  General SCF calculation program by
  Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
  David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
  Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
  Bang C. Huynh
 Exchange:     0.1670 Hartree-Fock + 1.0000 wB97X-V + LR-HF
 Correlation:  1.0000 wB97X-V
 Using SG-2 standard quadrature grid
 Nonlocal Correlation:  VV10 with C = 0.0100 and b = 6.00 and scale = 1.00000
 Grid used for NLC:  SG-1 standard quadrature
 Orthonormalizing orbitals
Energy prior to optimization (guess energy) = -0.500207110815
Begin Timing: Total SCF Calculation
begin iterations for algorithm: GDM_LS       
the SCF tolerance is set to 1.00e-06
GDM subspace size: 20
0 degrees of freedom in requested optimization
    1      -0.5002071108      0.00e+00     00000 Convergence criterion met
The disked orbital energies are calculated using alpha and beta Focks
Timing for Total SCF: 0.00s (wall), 0.00s (cpu)
<S^2> =          0.750000000
                    Orbital Energies (a.u.)
 Alpha MOs
 -- Occupied --
          Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges

     Atom                 Charge (a.u.)    Spin (a.u.)
      1 H                     0.000000       1.000000
  Sum of atomic charges =     0.000000
  Sum of spin   charges =     1.000000

                    Cartesian Multipole Moments
    Charge (ESU x 10^10)
    Dipole Moment (Debye)
         X       0.0000      Y       0.0000      Z       0.0000
       Tot       0.0000
    Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
        XX      -1.3450     XY       0.0000     YY      -1.3450
        XZ       0.0000     YZ       0.0000     ZZ      -1.3450
    Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
       XXX       0.0000    XXY       0.0000    XYY       0.0000
       YYY       0.0000    XXZ      -0.4983    XYZ       0.0000
       YYZ      -0.4983    XZZ       0.0000    YZZ       0.0000
       ZZZ      -1.4950
    Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
      XXXX      -1.6945   XXXY       0.0000   XXYY      -0.5648
      XYYY       0.0000   YYYY      -1.6945   XXXZ       0.0000
      XXYZ       0.0000   XYYZ       0.0000   YYYZ       0.0000
      XXZZ      -0.7495   XYZZ       0.0000   YYZZ      -0.7495
      XZZZ       0.0000   YZZZ       0.0000   ZZZZ      -2.8023


   Translational Enthalpy:        0.889 kcal/mol
   Rotational Enthalpy:           0.000 kcal/mol
   Vibrational Enthalpy:          0.000 kcal/mol
   gas constant (RT):             0.592 kcal/mol
   Translational Entropy:        26.014  cal/mol.K
   Rotational Entropy:            0.000  cal/mol.K
   Vibrational Entropy:           0.000  cal/mol.K

   Total Enthalpy:                1.481 kcal/mol
   Total Entropy:                26.014  cal/mol.K


 Total job time:  1.20s(wall), 6.68s(cpu) 
 Wed May 15 11:32:02 2024

        *                                                           *
        *  Thank you very much for using Q-Chem.  Have a nice day.  *
        *                                                           *

 Done Job For Fragment 1
 calling putenv with: QCSCRATCH=/scratch/users/alannal2/11135968.v2GejzU 
 calling putenv with: QCTHREADS=40 
begin create_subspaces_scf
Doing Gen SCFMI
 Exchange:     0.1670 Hartree-Fock + 1.0000 wB97X-V + LR-HF
 Correlation:  1.0000 wB97X-V
 Using SG-2 standard quadrature grid
 Nonlocal Correlation:  VV10 with C = 0.0100 and b = 6.00 and scale = 1.00000
 Grid used for NLC:  SG-1 standard quadrature
active_doubly_SS in ExtractFragmo
active_singlyA_SS in ExtractFragmo
active_singlyB_SS in ExtractFragmo
active_virt_SS in ExtractFragmo
NOrbSS in ExtractFragmo

 Q-Chem fatal error occurred in module libalmo/libalmo/scfmi/subrot_ross.C, line 250:

 There are no virtual orbitals for the entire systems

 Please submit a crash report at 

How do I go about correcting this issue? Single point energy calculations with the same basis found some occupancy in virtual orbitals.

To run a meaningful bonded-EDA calculation, the number of basis functions must exceed the number of electrons, i.e., for H the basis set must have >1 basis functions.