I’m trying to get the bonded ALMO-EDA for F2, which was successfully run in the PNAS paper [1]. However, the calculations have been failing in QChem 6.0.1. Below is one input and its corresponding error message:
User input:
0 1
-- An alpha spin H atom
0 2
-- Another alpha spin H atom. Bonded ALMO-EDA does not need the multiplicities to sum to that of the molecule
0 2
F2 F1 1.3
JOBTYPE eda # use almo-eda
METHOD wb97m-v # note: bonded eda examples only "EXCHANGE" instead of METHOD. Why?
BASIS aug-cc-pVTZ # chosen because PySCF uses 'full' by default
EDA2 10 # EDA2 = 10 for bonded EDA. Use EDA2 = 2 otherwise
BONDED_EDA 1 # (1) Perform ALMO-EDA with non-orthogonal CI. (2) Perform ALMO-EDA with spin-projected formalism, which is more efficient
ROSCF true # required for bonded EDA
SCF_GUESS fragmo
DISP_FREE_X revPBE # HF recommended for hybrid functionals (B97X-V), revPBE recommended for semi-local functionals (B97M-V)
DISP_FREE_C PBE # put PBE if DISP_FREE_X is revPBE, NONE if DISP_FREE_X is set to an exchange-correlation functional
EDA_BSSE false
SCFMI_MODE 1 # required for bonded EDA
scf_convergence 8
scf_algorithm diis
scf_guess sad
=====polarizing for fragment clarification=====
String list
1 0
0 1
Constructing subrot_ross from passed subrot_ross in u_ross PickSubrot
Exchange: 0.1500 Hartree-Fock + 1.0000 wB97M-V + LR-HF
Correlation: 1.0000 wB97M-V
Using SG-2 standard quadrature grid
Nonlocal Correlation: VV10 with C = 0.0100 and b = 6.00 and scale = 1.00000
Grid used for NLC: SG-1 standard quadrature
constructed subrot_u_ross object from passed subrot_ross
Constructing subrot_ross from passed subrot_ross in u_ross PickSubrot
Exchange: 0.1500 Hartree-Fock + 1.0000 wB97M-V + LR-HF
Correlation: 1.0000 wB97M-V
Using SG-2 standard quadrature grid
Nonlocal Correlation: VV10 with C = 0.0100 and b = 6.00 and scale = 1.00000
Grid used for NLC: SG-1 standard quadrature
constructed subrot_u_ross object from passed subrot_ross
ci vectors
-0.7072 0.7070
0.7072 0.7070
-213.8037102 -0.0344917
-0.0344917 -213.8037102
1.0000 0.0002
0.0002 1.0000
0.9998 -0.9998
-0.9998 0.9998
Nuc e: 32.9718108
Theory State: Energy (au) (kcal/mol) <S2>
SF-ALMO-NOCI 1: -213.8095280827 0.0000 2.0000
SF-ALMO-NOCI 2: -213.7978945589 7.3001 0.0000
Active Space Coefficients > 0.10
State 1 Configuration (1 = SA, _ = SB) Coeff. <S^2>
1 | _ -0.707107 1.000
_ | 1 0.707107 1.000
State 2 Configuration (1 = SA, _ = SB) Coeff. <S^2>
1 | _ 0.707107 1.000
_ | 1 0.707107 1.000
<S^2> of spin-flipped wavefunction before polarization iterations 0.00000000000
Beginning iterations for the determination of the low-spin optimized wavefunction
Energy prior to optimization (guess energy) = -213.797894558943
Begin Timing: Total SCF Calculation
begin iterations for algorithm: DIIS
the SCF tolerance is set to 1.00e-07
gen_scfman_exception: objective_function: get_vector is not implemented in inheriting class.
Q-Chem fatal error occurred in module libgscf/gen_scfman/gen_scfman_main.C, line 246:
Error in gen_scfman
Please submit a crash report at q-chem.com/reporter
What are some ways I can improve the success of the run? I’ve changed the tolerances, SCF algorithms for both molecule and fragments, turned BSSE on/off, and tried both orthogonal CI and spin-projected formalisms. I’ve also tried it with cc-pVTZ and cc-pVQZ to remove diffuse functions but these also fail.
[1] Levine, D. S. and M. Head-Gordon (2017). “Energy decomposition analysis of single bonds within Kohn–Sham density functional theory.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(48): 12649-12656.