I run Q-Chem calculations on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (dual boot with Windows). When I run relatively costly calculation, the following message appears in a teminal and the calculation is aborted.
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘libvmm::io_exception’
what(): libvmm::page_file_posix::write(const pos_t&, size_t, const element_t*), /scratch/qcdevops/jenkins/workspace/build_qchem_linux_distrib/tags/qc522/qchem/libvmm/libvmm/page_file_posix.C (237), io_exception
pwrite (No space left on device)
/opt/qchem/5.2/bin/qchem: line 126: 460559 Aborted (core dumped) ${QCPROG_S} ${inp} ${scr}
There is “No space left on device” message, but there is 40 GB of free space available.
What can be the cause of this error?