Convergence fails when calculating integrals of charge transfer between more than two molecules

Hello to the scholars in the forum!
As the title indicates, I failed to converge when calculating the charge transfer integral between more than two molecules.
I extracted a cluster from the molecular dynamics simulation results (without optimized structure after extraction), hoping to obtain the charge transfer integral between the central guest and the surrounding host. Subsequently, I calculated The intermolecular charge transfer integral according to The frontier molecular orbital approach of Q-Chem 5.3 User’s Manual, but the convergence failed. How should I solve this problem?
Thank you all for your valuable suggestions.

Fatal error:
50 -5713.4590711905 2.15E-02 Convergence failure
Q-Chem fatal error occurred in module scfman/scfman.C, line 5472:
SCF failed to converge

Please provide a complete input file if you want someone take a look but if DIIS error is still 2E-02 after 50 cycles, that suggests you need a better guess, possibly also a different SCF convergence algorithm.

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Thank you for your reply.

I apologize to you for my thoughtless, but I am a newcomer seems to be no permission to upload attachment, so I found a upload attachments website:
Contains input and output files.

What do you mean by different SCF convergence algorithm? Is it similar to Gaussian?
ps: I just tried to put in only three molecules, but it’s the same situation, maybe Q-Chem can’t handle more than two molecules?

Thanks again. Have a great day.

(a) can you just paste the input file here, use the </> button. I’m not comfortable downloading .rar file from a website written in a language I can’t read.

(b) see SCF_ALGORITHM in Q-Chem documentation,


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Thanks for your reply!

I am very sorry to make you feel uncomfortable, but I did this because I was afraid of having too many lines of input file for the whole cluster, and I have pasted the input file for the three molecules I used later.

The information you provided is very helpful, thank you again!

0 1
0 1
 C                 14.33000000   12.35000000   15.96000000
 C                 14.61000000   12.88000000   14.71000000
 C                 13.57000000   13.30000000   13.87000000
 C                 12.21000000   13.12000000   14.37000000
 C                 11.96000000   12.58000000   15.61000000
 C                 13.01000000   12.18000000   16.46000000
 N                 10.62000000   12.37000000   16.07000000
 C                 10.01000000   13.46000000   16.72000000
 C                  6.10000000   12.86000000   18.58000000
 C                 10.70000000   14.71000000   16.90000000
 C                  9.99000000   15.75000000   17.54000000
 C                  8.71000000   15.55000000   18.03000000
 C                  8.04000000   14.32000000   17.99000000
 C                  8.68000000   13.25000000   17.29000000
 C                  8.64000000   10.85000000   16.14000000
 C                  5.99000000   10.59000000   18.16000000
 C                  4.83000000   10.44000000   18.88000000
 C                  4.28000000   11.59000000   19.45000000
 C                  4.86000000   12.75000000   19.31000000
 B                  7.97000000   11.89000000   17.10000000
 C                  6.68000000   11.76000000   17.92000000
 C                  9.96000000   11.06000000   15.69000000
 C                 10.66000000   10.05000000   14.87000000
 C                 10.01000000    8.94000000   14.47000000
 C                  8.66000000    8.77000000   14.81000000
 C                  8.02000000    9.69000000   15.63000000
 N                  6.75000000   14.10000000   18.56000000
 C                  6.15000000   15.19000000   19.19000000
 C                  6.31000000   15.41000000   20.53000000
 C                  5.72000000   16.54000000   21.15000000
 C                  4.91000000   17.40000000   20.41000000
 C                  4.71000000   17.13000000   19.12000000
 C                  5.30000000   16.06000000   18.48000000
 H                 15.21000000   11.96000000   16.45000000
 H                 15.63000000   13.04000000   14.36000000
 H                 13.91000000   13.73000000   12.94000000
 H                 11.36000000   13.45000000   13.79000000
 H                 12.68000000   11.81000000   17.42000000
 H                 11.70000000   14.94000000   16.57000000
 H                 10.43000000   16.73000000   17.71000000
 H                  8.24000000   16.35000000   18.57000000
 H                  6.37000000    9.64000000   17.81000000
 H                  4.38000000    9.47000000   19.01000000
 H                  3.35000000   11.39000000   19.97000000
 H                  4.40000000   13.61000000   19.78000000
 H                 11.69000000   10.22000000   14.58000000
 H                 10.58000000    8.21000000   13.92000000
 H                  8.15000000    7.92000000   14.39000000
 H                  6.98000000    9.47000000   15.81000000
 H                  6.90000000   14.84000000   21.24000000
 H                  5.96000000   16.72000000   22.19000000
 H                  4.30000000   18.20000000   20.81000000
 H                  4.02000000   17.78000000   18.61000000
 H                  5.15000000   15.90000000   17.42000000
0 1
 C                  3.11000000    6.69000000   14.83000000
 C                  2.30000000    5.55000000   14.58000000
 C                  2.82000000    4.33000000   15.01000000
 C                  4.09000000    4.24000000   15.66000000
 C                  4.89000000    5.36000000   15.91000000
 C                  4.32000000    6.57000000   15.48000000
 C                  6.26000000    5.37000000   16.62000000
 C                  6.55000000    6.39000000   17.58000000
 C                  7.78000000    6.40000000   18.26000000
 C                  8.72000000    5.43000000   17.94000000
 C                  8.47000000    4.47000000   16.99000000
 C                  7.26000000    4.43000000   16.38000000
 N                  8.04000000    7.42000000   19.26000000
 N                  2.70000000    7.99000000   14.46000000
 C                  9.14000000    8.30000000   19.26000000
 C                  9.02000000    9.07000000   20.43000000
 C                  7.86000000    8.66000000   21.12000000
 C                  7.26000000    7.64000000   20.40000000
 C                  3.50000000    8.88000000   13.68000000
 C                  2.82000000   10.19000000   13.57000000
 C                  1.61000000   10.05000000   14.26000000
 C                  1.55000000    8.73000000   14.81000000
 C                  0.64000000   10.95000000   14.53000000
 C                 -0.46000000   10.51000000   15.32000000
 C                 -0.51000000    9.24000000   15.89000000
 C                  0.51000000    8.32000000   15.59000000
 C                  4.77000000    8.69000000   13.05000000
 C                  5.27000000    9.76000000   12.44000000
 C                  4.64000000   10.99000000   12.30000000
 C                  3.45000000   11.20000000   12.86000000
 C                  7.30000000    9.04000000   22.29000000
 C                  6.19000000    8.51000000   22.82000000
 C                  5.57000000    7.48000000   22.15000000
 C                  6.10000000    7.05000000   20.88000000
 C                 10.16000000    8.53000000   18.31000000
 C                 11.04000000    9.53000000   18.61000000
 C                 10.95000000   10.31000000   19.80000000
 C                  9.93000000   10.09000000   20.68000000
 H                  1.32000000    5.60000000   14.13000000
 H                  2.19000000    3.48000000   14.78000000
 H                  4.34000000    3.27000000   16.07000000
 H                  4.79000000    7.54000000   15.64000000
 H                  5.90000000    7.20000000   17.91000000
 H                  9.62000000    5.40000000   18.54000000
 H                  9.19000000    3.70000000   16.72000000
 H                  7.02000000    3.73000000   15.58000000
 H                  0.58000000   11.95000000   14.11000000
 H                 -1.28000000   11.19000000   15.49000000
 H                 -1.36000000    8.96000000   16.49000000
 H                  0.55000000    7.29000000   15.92000000
 H                  5.33000000    7.76000000   13.07000000
 H                  6.20000000    9.63000000   11.91000000
 H                  5.20000000   11.75000000   11.77000000
 H                  2.93000000   12.14000000   12.73000000
 H                  7.97000000    9.77000000   22.74000000
 H                  5.92000000    8.87000000   23.80000000
 H                  4.73000000    6.94000000   22.56000000
 H                  5.62000000    6.20000000   20.40000000
 H                 10.31000000    7.99000000   17.38000000
 H                 11.85000000    9.67000000   17.90000000
 H                 11.66000000   11.11000000   20.02000000
 H                  9.81000000   10.71000000   21.56000000
0 1
 C                  1.36000000   15.33000000   15.21000000
 C                  0.16000000   15.03000000   14.66000000
 C                 -0.83000000   14.43000000   15.38000000
 C                 -0.68000000   14.09000000   16.72000000
 C                  0.56000000   14.39000000   17.32000000
 C                  1.56000000   15.05000000   16.59000000
 C                  0.70000000   14.02000000   18.75000000
 C                  1.31000000   14.90000000   19.64000000
 C                  1.33000000   14.58000000   21.00000000
 C                  0.86000000   13.41000000   21.51000000
 C                  0.32000000   12.55000000   20.61000000
 C                  0.21000000   12.80000000   19.26000000
 N                  1.90000000   15.51000000   21.93000000
 N                  2.43000000   15.91000000   14.44000000
 C                  2.89000000   15.27000000   22.87000000
 C                  3.05000000   16.42000000   23.64000000
 C                  2.22000000   17.46000000   23.10000000
 C                  1.48000000   16.87000000   22.06000000
 C                  3.71000000   15.37000000   14.32000000
 C                  4.45000000   16.18000000   13.45000000
 C                  3.62000000   17.23000000   13.03000000
 C                  2.35000000   17.05000000   13.71000000
 C                  3.75000000   18.29000000   12.22000000
 C                  2.74000000   19.24000000   12.03000000
 C                  1.49000000   19.04000000   12.64000000
 C                  1.32000000   17.92000000   13.52000000
 C                  4.31000000   14.18000000   14.82000000
 C                  5.63000000   13.87000000   14.53000000
 C                  6.33000000   14.75000000   13.66000000
 C                  5.76000000   15.89000000   13.12000000
 C                  2.08000000   18.81000000   23.42000000
 C                  1.20000000   19.57000000   22.67000000
 C                  0.45000000   18.99000000   21.66000000
 C                  0.60000000   17.66000000   21.36000000
 C                  3.65000000   14.10000000   23.04000000
 C                  4.60000000   14.06000000   24.05000000
 C                  4.77000000   15.18000000   24.87000000
 C                  4.00000000   16.34000000   24.66000000
 H                 -0.04000000   15.15000000   13.60000000
 H                 -1.73000000   14.16000000   14.85000000
 H                 -1.43000000   13.65000000   17.36000000
 H                  2.49000000   15.28000000   17.08000000
 H                  1.66000000   15.84000000   19.23000000
 H                  0.91000000   13.21000000   22.57000000
 H                 -0.03000000   11.60000000   21.00000000
 H                 -0.25000000   12.14000000   18.53000000
 H                  4.70000000   18.34000000   11.70000000
 H                  2.91000000   20.08000000   11.37000000
 H                  0.66000000   19.72000000   12.49000000
 H                  0.37000000   17.75000000   14.01000000
 H                  3.69000000   13.58000000   15.48000000
 H                  6.03000000   12.97000000   14.98000000
 H                  7.38000000   14.52000000   13.53000000
 H                  6.28000000   16.57000000   12.45000000
 H                  2.68000000   19.18000000   24.24000000
 H                  1.07000000   20.64000000   22.81000000
 H                 -0.23000000   19.52000000   21.00000000
 H                  0.01000000   17.29000000   20.54000000
 H                  3.43000000   13.28000000   22.36000000
 H                  5.20000000   13.17000000   24.15000000
 H                  5.53000000   15.00000000   25.62000000
 H                  4.21000000   17.20000000   25.30000000

method = b3lyp
omega = 370
basis = 6-31G**
scf_print_frgm = true
sym_ignore = true
scf_guess = fragmo
sts_dc = fock
sts_trans_donor = 2-3 ! use HOMO, HOMO-1 and LUMO, LUMO+1, LUMO+2 of donor
sts_trans_acceptor = 2-3 ! use HOMO and LUMO, LUMO+1 of acceptor

print_orbitals = 5

I see that your molecule are large but they look electronically benign. I suggest setting THRESH=14. I think that the Q-Chem default value is too loose for large systems, due to linear dependency issues, my group routinely uses THRESH=12.

Update: actually, with Q-Chem 6.1 your input file runs to completion for me, with default value of THRESH. The fragment jobs take 9 SCF iterations each and then the supermolecular SCF takes 46 steps. Initial energies are very bad, though, so numerics might mean that yours takes a bit more; try increasing MAX_SCF_CYCLES.

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Thank you very much for your help, and sorry to have caused you so much trouble!

I have checked the version of qchem installed on my HPC is 5.4.2, which may be the reason for the failure to complete the calculation. I will try the two suggestions you put forward, and thank you again for your reply.

Have a nice day!

Not sure why the version should make a difference here but it did take me pretty close to the default limit of 50 cycles so small changes in numerics may put it over.