ELF Keyword EXCHANGE is uninitialized in rem vector

I have a problem qchem/6.0.1-smp
How resolve?
Q-Chem fatal error occurred in module libgen/rem_utils.C, line 52:

Keyword EXCHANGE is uninitialized in rem vector

Please submit a crash report at Q-Chem Crash Reporter

   0 1
   O    -4.5320698567   0.2524215916      0.0130780103
   H    -3.5641829319   0.2173288989     -0.0173259969
   H    -4.8109190521  -0.4489616171     -0.5945943692

   JOBTYPE           opt
   METHOD            b3lyp
   BASIS             6-31g*
   PLOT_ELF          true

50 -7 7
50 -4 4
50 -4 4
0 1 0 0

Try EXCHANGE = B3LYP instead of METHOD = B3LYP. The former is an older notation for hybrid functionals, I’m surprised it’s showing up here.

i changed

   0 1
   O    -4.5320698567   0.2524215916      0.0130780103
   H    -3.5641829319   0.2173288989     -0.0173259969
   H    -4.8109190521  -0.4489616171     -0.5945943692

   JOBTYPE           opt
   METHOD            b3lyp
   BASIS             6-31g*
   PLOT_ELF          true
   geom_opt_driver optimize

50 -7 7
50 -4 4
50 -4 4
0 1 0 0

and worked geom_opt_driver optimize why?

That’s the old geometry optimizer, which is no longer the default. Not sure why you are having these problems, if you can’t figure it out then please contact Q-Chem support.

Thank you.
how can i visualize elf from qchem?

You can open the CUBE file (elf_alpha.0.cube) that you generate with the above output in IQmol, which is very well integrated with Q-Chem, for visualization. For more information, please refer to the IQmol User Guide (http://iqmol.org/downloads/IQmolUserGuide.pdf).