Fdiff method doubt

Hi Team,
I want to confirm that finite difference method is available for CCMAN only or we can access it for CCMAN2

Thanks and regards

FD should work with CCMAN2, but if there are issues, please contact Q-Chem Support. You can try it first yourself for your specific use case using the IDERIV REM variable, if necessary.

Hi Kaushik,

I have raised ticket and tried it using IDERIV as well but same error pop up after the CCSDT iterations

“Key ‘path’ is not known”. To initiate it do we need to add some rem variable in libgen?

Hi Manisha, just to let you know, the Talk Forum is for Q-Chem users and usability issues; developer-related concerns and Trac tickets are not to be resolved on this forum. Since this is a reported bugfix ticket reported by you, the related discussion is to be done on the developer’s Trac forum.