FileMan error: End of file reached prematurely reading (4593920) bytes in file FILE_MO_COEFS

Hi, I encounter a problem with CDFT-CI. How to fix this?
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“Software for the frontiers of quantum chemistry:
An overview of developments in the Q-Chem 5 package”
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 084801 (2021) (open access)

Q-Chem 6.0.2 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux

Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 9.900.5 (Nocturnal Misbehaviour).

Q-Chem begins on Wed Dec 13 12:55:50 2023


 Scratch files written to /lscratch/lehuang/H-TIPS-4I-TAP_31131/qchem24799//

Processing $rem in /opt/software/Q-Chem/intel/mkl/6.0.2/generic/config/preferences:
Processing $rem in /export/home/lehuang/.qchemrc:

Checking the input file for inconsistencies… …done.

User input:

0 1
H -4.33018 2.95804 -0.00000
I -3.36929 4.39118 0.00000
H -3.06178 0.53373 0.00000
I -1.33968 0.42633 0.00000

!QSYS wt=24h

BASIS = gen
ECP gen
ECP_FIT true
CDFTCI = true
mem_total = 120000
mem_static = 1000
threads 16

I 0
S 2 1.00
0.7242000 -2.9731048
0.4653000 3.4827643
S 1 1.00
0.1336000 1.0000000
P 2 1.00
1.2900000 -0.2092377
0.3180000 1.1035347
P 1 1.00
0.1053000 1.0000000

H 0


I 0
I-ECP 3 46
f potential
0 1.0715702 -0.0747621
1 44.1936028 -30.0811224
2 12.9367609 -75.3722721
2 3.1956412 -22.0563758
2 0.8589806 -1.6979585
s-f potential
0 127.9202670 2.9380036
1 78.6211465 41.2471267
2 36.5146237 287.8680095
2 9.9065681 114.3758506
2 1.9420086 37.6547714
p-f potential
0 13.0035304 2.2222630
1 76.0331404 39.4090831
2 24.1961684 177.4075002
2 6.4053433 77.9889462
2 1.5851786 25.7547641
d-f potential
0 40.4278108 7.0524360
1 28.9084375 33.3041635
2 15.6268936 186.9453875
2 4.1442856 71.9688361
2 0.9377235 9.3630657


1.0 1 2
1.0 1 2 S

1.0 1 2
1.0 1 2 S

         Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I     Atom           X                Y                Z

1      H      -4.3301800000     2.9580400000     0.0000000000
2      I      -3.3692900000     4.3911800000     0.0000000000
3      H      -3.0617800000     0.5337300000     0.0000000000
4      I      -1.3396800000     0.4263300000     0.0000000000

Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 12.21116463 hartrees
There are 8 alpha and 8 beta electrons
Requested basis set is non-standard
There are 12 shells and 20 basis functions

Total QAlloc Memory Limit 120000 MB
Mega-Array Size 978 MB
MEM_STATIC part 1000 MB

                   Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
         H (  1)   I (  2)   H (  3)

I ( 2) 1.725456
H ( 3) 2.736077 3.869688
I ( 4) 3.918245 4.454139 1.725446

A cutoff of 1.0D-09 yielded 78 shell pairs
There are 222 function pairs
Requested basis set is non-standard
Compound shells will be simplified
There are 12 shells and 20 basis functions
A cutoff of 1.0D-09 yielded 78 shell pairs
There are 222 function pairs
Using a fitted effective core potential
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 9.59E-02

Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e+00

Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000147 hartrees
================ Generating on-the-fly SAD Guess ================
Attempting to make child job directory: /lscratch/lehuang/H-TIPS-4I-TAP_31131/qchem24799//Frg1/
Attempting to make child job directory: /lscratch/lehuang/H-TIPS-4I-TAP_31131/qchem24799//Frg2/
Creating input file /lscratch/lehuang/H-TIPS-4I-TAP_31131/qchem24799/Frg1.input
using default PutDataFrgm: nothing
calling putenv with: QCSCRATCH=/lscratch/lehuang/H-TIPS-4I-TAP_31131/qchem24799/
Spawning Job For Fragment 0
Done Job For Fragment 0
calling putenv with: QCSCRATCH=/lscratch/lehuang/H-TIPS-4I-TAP_31131
calling putenv with: QCTHREADS=16
Creating input file /lscratch/lehuang/H-TIPS-4I-TAP_31131/qchem24799/Frg2.input
using default PutDataFrgm: nothing
calling putenv with: QCSCRATCH=/lscratch/lehuang/H-TIPS-4I-TAP_31131/qchem24799/
Spawning Job For Fragment 1
Done Job For Fragment 1
calling putenv with: QCSCRATCH=/lscratch/lehuang/H-TIPS-4I-TAP_31131
calling putenv with: QCTHREADS=16
Time for running child jobs: CPU 1.95 s wall 0.70 s
============= Method Specific SAD Guess Constructed =============
Guess from on-the-fly superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational

Starting CDFT-CI Calculation

Starting CDFT-CI SCF calculation on state 1 …

Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 9.59E-02
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 9.59E-02
An unrestricted hybrid HF-DFT SCF calculation will be
performed using Pulay DIIS extrapolation
Exchange: 0.5000 Hartree-Fock + 1.0000 Constrained DFT (Becke Weights) + 0.5000 PBE
Correlation: 1.0000 PBE
Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0E-05
CDFT-CI using the default guess for promolecules
using 16 threads for integral computing

OpenMP Integral computing Module

Q-Chem fatal error occurred in module libmdc/newfileman.C, line 376:

FileMan error: End of file reached prematurely reading (1280) bytes in file FILE_MO_COEFS
Path: /lscratch/lehuang/H-TIPS-4I-TAP_31131/qchem24799/53.0

Please submit a crash report at Q-Chem Crash Reporter

can you please re-post the input file using the formatted text box (button that looks like </> ) so that we get all the special characters? Then I can at least see if I can reproduce the error.

0 1
H         -4.33018        2.95804       -0.00000
I         -3.36929        4.39118        0.00000
H         -3.06178        0.53373        0.00000
I         -1.33968        0.42633        0.00000

!QSYS wt=24h

   METHOD           = PBE50
   BASIS            = gen
   ECP        gen 
   ECP_FIT    true
   SYMMETRY         = off
   SYM_IGNORE       = true
   UNRESTRICTED     = true
   CDFTCI           = true
   CDFTCI_PRINT     = 2 
   CDFT_THRESH      = 2
   mem_total  =  120000
   mem_static =  1000
   threads 16

I     0
S   2   1.00
      0.7242000             -2.9731048
      0.4653000              3.4827643
S   1   1.00
      0.1336000              1.0000000
P   2   1.00
      1.2900000             -0.2092377
      0.3180000              1.1035347
P   1   1.00
      0.1053000              1.0000000
H 0

I     0
I-ECP     3     46
f potential
0      1.0715702             -0.0747621
1     44.1936028            -30.0811224
2     12.9367609            -75.3722721
2      3.1956412            -22.0563758
2      0.8589806             -1.6979585
s-f potential
0    127.9202670              2.9380036
1     78.6211465             41.2471267
2     36.5146237            287.8680095
2      9.9065681            114.3758506
2      1.9420086             37.6547714
p-f potential
0     13.0035304              2.2222630
1     76.0331404             39.4090831
2     24.1961684            177.4075002
2      6.4053433             77.9889462
2      1.5851786             25.7547641
d-f potential
0     40.4278108              7.0524360
1     28.9084375             33.3041635
2     15.6268936            186.9453875
2      4.1442856             71.9688361
2      0.9377235              9.3630657

   1.0   1   2
   1.0   1   2 S
   1.0   1   2
   1.0   1   2 S

I can reproduce this with latest Q-Chem v. 6.1.1. Will look into it.

After fiddling with variations of your input file, it appears that CDFT-CI is incompatible with BASIS = GEN. I will post a bug ticket about that. A workaround is a little-known feature of Q-Chem, namely, that you can set BASIS = USER1 or USER2, in which case you need to create a file user1.bas or user2.bas in $QCAUX/basis. For your intended basis, that file should contain

I     0
S   2   1.00
      0.7242000             -2.9731048
      0.4653000              3.4827643
S   1   1.00
      0.1336000              1.0000000
P   2   1.00
      1.2900000             -0.2092377
      0.3180000              1.1035347
P   1   1.00
      0.1053000              1.0000000
 H   0    
 S   3  1.00
      18.73113700      0.03349460
       2.82539370      0.23472695
       0.64012170      0.81375733
 S   1  1.00
       0.16127780      1.00000000

This runs to completion for me.

UPDATE: What I said above works, but the fundamental problem is that CDFT-CI seems to be incompatible with the AUTOSAD guess, which is the default for BASIS = GEN. You can get around this by setting SCF_GUESS = CORE or SCF_GUESS = GWH in conjunction with BASIS = GEN.

For the Q-Chem 6.2 release, I have disabled the use of AUTOSAD guess with CDFT-CI and printed a helpful error message if you try it.

Yes. It works. Thank you!