Help with incremental FCI (iFCI) example

I am trying out incremental FCI (iFCI) example , but it gave me some runtime error in the output log file.

Could anyone advise ?

input file

   0 1
   C         0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0020303630
   C         0.0000000000    0.0000000000    1.3369696370
   H         0.9228964204    0.0000000000   -0.5679991115
   H        -0.9228964204    0.0000000000   -0.5679991115
   H         0.9228964204    0.0000000000    1.9069991115
   H        -0.9228964204    0.0000000000    1.9069991115

   METHOD          hf
   BASIS           6-31G*
   SCF_ALGORITHM   rca_diis
   SYMMETRY        off
   SYM_IGNORE      true


   0 3

   EXCHANGE          HF
   CCVB_METHOD       4
   GVB_RESTART       0
   GVB_ORB_CONV      6
   BASIS             6-31G*
   UNRESTRICTED      false
   SCF_GUESS         read
   SYMMETRY          off
   SYM_IGNORE        true


   0 1

   EXCHANGE          HF
   BASIS             6-31G*
   AUX_BASIS         RIMP2-VDZ
   IFCI_TUPLES       2
   IFCI_READ         0
   IFCI_ZETA         55
   HBCI_EPS1         1000
   IFCI_REF_ITER     0

With the latest version of Q-Chem (pre-release v. 6.1), I experienced an odd error where it looked like number of electrons was not read correctly in the second job. I fixed this by pasting in the coordinates into $molecule (rather than using ‘read’). However, I then get some kind of memory error in the 3rd job:

 cleaning up pairs

 do_1e_casci time: CPU 98.15 s wall 2.47 s

 E(PP):   -78.12291468

 saving 1e results to file

I am unable to diagnose this error; please contact Q-Chem support.