However, there are (only) Mulliken charges in the output:
Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
Atom Charge (a.u.)
1 O -0.711941
2 H 0.355970
3 H 0.355970
Sum of atomic charges = 0.000000
Could you please explain how to get HF Löwdin charges?
I’m using Q-Chem 4.4.
This is described in the manual,
Set LOWDIN_POPULATION = TRUE. Currently, what you get are Löwdin populations for each occupied MO, which you must sum yourself. (Set POP_MULLIKEN = 2 to see the Mulliken charges in the same format, for comparison.)
I have used LOWDIN_POPULATION true (see original input here: LOWDIN_POPULATION and HF).
But there are neither Löwdin charges nor populations for each occupied MO in the output…
[There are only Orbital Energies, Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges, and Cartesian Multipole Moments.]
Any ideas? (I’m using Q-Chem 4.4.)
I think LOWDIN_POPULATION may have been added in a later version, as a substitute for POP_MULLIKEN = 2. What you are seeing is the orbital-by-orbital breakdown of the Loewdin populations, you need to add them up to get the atomic populations. For example, on H1:
The atomic population is Z - Q, so for H1 it is 1.0 - 0.72643 = 0.27357.
With more recent versions of Q-Chem you still have to do the same exercise but the printing is triggered by LOWDIN_POPULATION = TRUE, whereas POP_MULLIKEN = 2 will give you the orbital-by-orbital Loewdin populations.
I was referring to more recent versions of Q-Chem where the behavior has changed. In recent versions, POP_MULLIKEN = 2 provides orbital-by-orbital Mulliken populations whereas LOWDIN_POPULATION does this for Loewdin. I do (vaguely) recall the behavior that you are seeing in v. 4.4; can’t quite remember when this change was made.