I have stumbled upon a problem with generating NTOs (preferably in MOLDEN format, but cubes would also be acceptable) for a relatively simple TDDFT case. The input goes as follows:
The message printed out at the end of the output file is this:
Plotting NTOs for the following states: 1 2 3
Q-Chem fatal error occurred in module libmdc/newfileman.C, line 376:
FileMan error: End of file reached prematurely reading (2947592) bytes in file FILE_NTO_COEFS_RPA
Path: /net/ascratch/people/plgucandrze/slurm_jobdir/3926400/tmp/savename/401.0
Is this because there is sth wrong in my input, or the environment (memory/disk space etc) causes such problems?
This type of question has been answered in previous threads. In any case, I would suggest plotting orbital in one format only for a single job.
If you are interested in Molden format, then leave MOLDEN_FORMAT = true in your input but remove IQMOL_FCHK, MAKE_CUBE_FILES, PLOTS keywords along with the $plots section.
Lastly, I think the error is raised when attempting to plot cube files while using the STATE_ANALYSIS keyword in the same job.
Thank you for the kind replies. I have somehow managed to overcome the problem by generating the fchk file first, then using Theodore to obtain the MOs.mld file, and eventually by asking Theodore to perform the transition density analysis itself. Otherwise it did not want to do the Omega partitioning for the molecular fragments.
I will now try to simplify the procedure by following the hints from you. So thank you again!
There are a couple of ways to visualize with Q-Chem, at least 3 that I know of. It can be somewhat confusing when there are multiple ways to do the same task.
(1) Using the combination of NTO_PAIRS and GUI = 2. The NTOs can be visualized through the fchk file:
0 1
C 0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.6133791
O -0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6060734
H 0.0000000 0.9391300 -1.1555819
H 0.0000000 -0.9391300 -1.1555819
BASIS 6-31+G*
(2) Using the new $plots functionalities. The NTOs for each specified state will appear in the “xxx.plots” directory after the job is finished:
The NTO cube files are in the ..., HONTO-1, HONTO, LUNTO, LUNTO+1, ... order.
(3) Using libwfa (with STATE_ANALYSIS = TRUE). Note that WFA_LEVEL = 4 is needed to trigger the generation of NTO cube files, which might be something that should be changed:
With libwfa, you also automatically get cube files for attachment/detachment/difference density and electron/hole/transition density.
RPA = 2 seems fine
With libwfa, no matter what value I give to NTO_PAIRS, it always only generates one pair. This might be something that can be easily fixed. This is because only significant NTOs are printed by libwfa (controlled by WFA_ORB_THRESH, default is 0.05 for NTO cube files)
If you are interested in TheoDORE, the thing that you will need is the file ctnum_mulliken.om. This is picked up by TheoDORE for the Omega partitioning. At the moment, you can’t specify fragments directly in Q-Chem.