Q-Chem 6.1.0 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 9.900.5 (Nocturnal Misbehaviour).
Q-Chem begins on Mon Sep 11 12:17:15 2023
Scratch files written to /scratch/qchem175482//
Jul923 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM -1
Processing $rem in /opt/qchem/6.1/config/preferences:
Processing $rem in /home/matthew/.qchemrc:
Q-Chem warning in module libgen/rem_setup.C, line 580:
Integral symmetry turned off!
Checking the input file for inconsistencies… …done.
User input:
1 3
C -0.7106358982 -1.0086841350 -0.0134045756
C -1.1488630022 0.3379003453 0.0952511860
C 0.7096389299 -1.0094262766 -0.0133865410
C 1.1492655317 0.3367070310 0.0952708928
C 0.0006324234 1.1695006789 0.1639273562
H -1.3463721486 -1.8796283323 -0.0809842859
H -2.1762724016 0.6712264630 0.1225256298
H 1.3444752130 -1.8810281798 -0.0809549058
H 2.1770182737 0.6689705827 0.1225633337
H 0.0011891208 2.2463889046 0.2511951263
@H 0.0000076 -0.0348005 0.0655317
@H -0.0003355 -0.1153399 1.062283
method = b3lyp
dft_d = d3_bj
basis = def2-tzvp
gui = 2
jobtype = nmr
scf_convergence = 7
unrestricted = true
scf_guess_mix = true
Adding empirical dispersion correction
Doing -D3(BJ) with
s6 = 1.00000
s8 = 1.98890
a1 = 0.39810
a2 = 4.42110
-D3 energy without 3body term = -0.0137225906 hartrees
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C -0.7106358982 -1.0086841350 -0.0134045756
2 C -1.1488630022 0.3379003453 0.0952511860
3 C 0.7096389299 -1.0094262766 -0.0133865410
4 C 1.1492655317 0.3367070310 0.0952708928
5 C 0.0006324234 1.1695006789 0.1639273562
6 H -1.3463721486 -1.8796283323 -0.0809842859
7 H -2.1762724016 0.6712264630 0.1225256298
8 H 1.3444752130 -1.8810281798 -0.0809549058
9 H 2.1770182737 0.6689705827 0.1225633337
10 H 0.0011891208 2.2463889046 0.2511951263
11 GH 0.0000076000 -0.0348005000 0.0655317000
12 GH -0.0003355000 -0.1153399000 1.0622830000
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 148.49617389 hartrees
There are 18 alpha and 16 beta electrons
Requested basis set is def2-TZVP
There are 83 shells and 197 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 16000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) C ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.420260
C ( 3) 1.420275 2.298069
C ( 4) 2.298069 2.298129 1.420265
C ( 5) 2.298225 1.420428 2.298228 1.420428
H ( 6) 1.080403 2.233272 2.233608 3.342367 3.342393
H ( 7) 2.233532 1.080472 3.342387 3.342432 2.233586 2.690169
H ( 8) 2.233613 3.342369 1.080404 2.233274 3.342395 2.690848
H ( 9) 3.342388 3.342430 2.233540 1.080472 2.233584 4.353282
H ( 10) 3.342485 2.233667 3.342490 2.233669 1.080419 4.353192
GH( 11) 1.208178 1.208177 1.208180 1.208179 1.208314 2.288579
GH( 12) 1.568341 1.568341 1.568604 1.568771 1.567756 2.496315
H ( 7) H ( 8) H ( 9) H ( 10) GH( 11)
H ( 8) 4.353283
H ( 9) 4.353291 2.690175
H ( 10) 2.690545 4.353196 2.690544
GH( 11) 2.288650 2.288582 2.288651 2.288733
GH( 12) 2.497305 2.496631 2.497816 2.497124 1.000000
A cutoff of 1.0D-11 yielded 3411 shell pairs
There are 19619 function pairs ( 25039 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 4.58E-05
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e+00
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000033 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 35.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: 0.2000 Hartree-Fock + 0.0800 Slater + 0.7200 B88
Correlation: 0.1900 VWN1RPA + 0.8100 LYP
Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid
Dispersion: Grimme D3
Warning: Doing roothaan step to get MOs for guess: SCF_GUESS_MIX
using 4 threads for integral computing
OpenMP Integral computing Module
Release: version 1.0, May 2013, Q-Chem Inc. Pittsburgh
OpenMP BLAS3 based DFT computing Module
Release: version 1.0, May 2013, Q-Chem Inc. Pittsburgh
Mixing HOMO and LUMO in initial guess
Adding 10% of the LUMO to the HOMO
OpenMP BLAS3 based DFT computing Module
Release: version 1.0, May 2013, Q-Chem Inc. Pittsburgh
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-07
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -193.2220400856 1.20e-03
2 -193.2271227934 1.06e-03
3 -193.2485696039 3.00e-04
4 -193.2498456135 1.76e-04
5 -193.2505220929 2.60e-05
6 -193.2505405546 5.88e-06
7 -193.2505430203 4.76e-06
8 -193.2505437572 1.30e-06
9 -193.2505438793 2.84e-07
10 -193.2505438863 6.07e-08 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 56.61s wall 14.00s
<S^2> = 2.004199755
SCF energy in the final basis set = -193.2505438863
Total energy in the final basis set = -193.2505438863
WARNING! The DFT part of the D-SCF code is not yet well tested
WARNING: SYMMETRY USAGE disabled in D-CPSCF for now…
=== ===
=== D-GIAO-SCF ===
=== ===
=== J.Kussmann and C.Ochsenfeld ===
=== ===
=== ===
MakeEFS time: CPU 0.10 s wall 0.02 s
=== ===
=== Let’s do D-CPSCF ===
=== ===
Using standard thresholds as set in input file
LEQS: solver= 40 itmax= 100 lev2max= 75 tol= 0e+00 lev2tol= 1e-02
itol= 2 dodiis = 5
Sinv time: CPU 0.02 s wall 0.01 s
There are 3 perturbations to be evaluated (Bx, By, Bz)
GIAO-D-CPSCF will evaluate 3 perturbation(s) at once
Build one-electron first derivatives… (d/dB)
getshB time: CPU 0.05 s wall 0.01 s
getPSxP time: CPU 0.03 s wall 0.01 s
Calculating d/dB J and d/dB K
That’s not a mistake; the file just ends, and always in that place.