Dear all,
Is it possible to obtain natural transition orbitals between triplet excited states calculated with TDA in solution?
I tried generating them with input pasted below, both with and without the “cis_state_deriv = 1” keyword, but I was only able to obtain NTOs corresponding to excitations from the ground state.
jobtype sp
method camb3lyp
dft_d d3_bj
basis def2-svp
scf_final_print true
cis_n_roots 5
cis_singlets false
cis_triplets true
rpa false
cis_moments true
cis_relaxed_density true
cis_state_deriv 1
sts_mom true
solvent_method pcm
make_cube_files true
nto_pairs true
plots true
iqmol_fchk true
molden_format true
NonEquilibrium true
Theory cpcm
StateSpecific perturb
solventname acetonitrile
grid_points 100 100 100
transition_density 1-5
natural_transition_orbital 1-5
Kind regards,