Problem in GetRot


I’m trying to optimize the organic molecules consisted with N, C and H, made by combinatorial method. But, I got the error when Q-Chem read my input files.

I think I have some missing points, but unfortunately I have no idea. If you suggest some advices, it will be great help!

The error message is as follows.

  ***ERROR*** Coordinates do not transform within specified threshold of.10000D-04

 Q-Chem fatal error occurred in module 0, line  242:

 Problem in GetRot

This is one of the examples of my input.

0 1
C     -5.380380    0.173081   -0.148896
C     -4.657705   -0.995091   -0.308644
N     -3.308758   -1.062589   -0.249102
C     -2.620561    0.091484   -0.017511
C     -1.141929   -0.013442    0.042517
C     -0.474376   -1.226211   -0.127684
C      0.921360   -1.271206   -0.061870
C      1.640102   -0.099171    0.174368
N      3.062602   -0.095312    0.249861
C      3.877527    1.000043    0.478175
C      5.196037    0.599075    0.479663
C      5.209176   -0.788039    0.245519
C      3.898333   -1.189711    0.108552
C      0.904755    1.068776    0.333414
N     -0.450538    1.135634    0.273430
C     -3.287095    1.307338    0.153264
C     -4.678735    1.346442    0.086668
H     -6.462815    0.168567   -0.206608
H     -5.159349   -1.940455   -0.495084
H     -1.034340   -2.139359   -0.311739
H      1.399785   -2.234742   -0.199826
H      3.476282    1.991738    0.624954
H      6.052005    1.243711    0.633833
H      6.076978   -1.432105    0.182138
H      3.512194   -2.180339   -0.079473
H      1.363014    2.033821    0.520906
H     -2.728576    2.220652    0.337271
H     -5.204992    2.287413    0.218286

JOB_TYPE        opt
METHOD          B3LYP
BASIS           6-31G
MEM_TOTAL       80000

For this calculation, please just turn the point-group symmetry off by including “POINT_GROUP_SYMMETRY = false” in your $rem. It should run fine.

Thanks a lot! This setting works well.

For prevent further error, should I always need to use that setting? I run the same option with old version(Q-Chem 4.4), but it works well without this setting.

POINT_GROUP_SYMMETRY = FALSE is how symmetry is turned off starting in Q-Chem v. 6.1.