Dear QCHEM users
Hello. I encountered problems in QM/MM energy and gradient
calculations when handling a pair of ketoamides containing
fused cyclopropanes. I’ll greatly appreciate if anyone could share
previous experiences with a similar situation and hopefully advise
the way to handle the situation. FYI, please use the links below
to access the QChem input and the MM parameter files.
I am using QChem v.5.4.1
As shown below, vdW and Coulomb energy
terms resulted in nan or inf, indicating some sort of missenses
took place in the calculation.
------ MM Energies ------
** Ebond: 65.825928531134**
** Eangle: 5.296243443813**
** EUreyBrad: 0.000000000000**
** Eimptors: 0.237187444071**
** Etorsion: 12.756236279087**
** Evdw: -nan**
** Ecoulomb: inf**
** Etot: -nan Kcal/mol ( -nan hartree)**
** -------------------------**
Upon investigation of the rest of output, I recognized the gradients
of carbon atoms comprising the cyclopropane are reported to be “-nan.”
My wild guess is that the 1-4 vdW and 1-4 Coulomb energy failed to exclude
self-interactions (i.e. C1-C2-C3-C1) that emerges from cyclopropanes.
However, as I have no access to the source codes, this is just a speculation
not having any solid ground.
All the best,