Q-Chem 5.4.2 and BrianQC 1.2.1 wall clock time discrepancy

It appears the wall clock time (wct) printed at the end of the job for the test install run is not correct when using Q-Chem 5.4.2 and BrianQC 1.2.1.

For pure Q-Chem the total job wct at the end of the output is 27.12s with the SCF being the dominant part at a wct of 27s. For the Q-Chem/GPU run (4 RTX3090) the total job wct at the end of the output is 21.12s with the SCF being a minor part at a wct of 5s.

The overall results are the same within the difference one would expect for a CPU vs GPU run. Is this a bug or is something happening after the GPU SCF that does not occur with the CPU run?

I tried to upload the output files but was not able to do so, due to the restrictions on what files can be uploaded.

Could you upload snippets of the SCF in both cases and also final timings for comparison? It is possible that the job is not large enough and setup overheads affect total timings.

For example, I just ran a UHF job:

 A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
 performed using DIIS
 SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-08
  Cycle       Energy         DIIS error
    1    -791.0714228516      1.78e-02
    2    -781.2238086150      1.10e-03
    3    -781.4506097363      2.83e-04
    4    -781.4849381940      1.20e-04
    5    -781.4951773957      8.24e-05
    6    -781.5060415704      6.08e-05
    7    -781.5122876425      3.49e-05
    8    -781.5140718598      2.44e-05
    9    -781.5147629741      1.08e-05
   10    -781.5148858552      7.91e-06
   11    -781.5149653048      4.77e-06
   12    -781.5150066082      3.36e-06
   13    -781.5150343661      2.12e-06
   14    -781.5150469314      1.14e-06
   15    -781.5150494988      6.37e-07
   16    -781.5150498530      2.54e-07
   17    -781.5150499106      1.01e-07
   18    -781.5150499181      4.74e-08
   19    -781.5150499157      1.56e-08
   20    -781.5150499165      5.82e-09  Convergence criterion met
 SCF time:   CPU 1627.19s  wall 206.00s
<S^2> =          2.020230773
 SCF   energy in the final basis set =     -781.5150499165
 Total energy in the final basis set =     -781.5150499165

 Total job time:  208.07s(wall), 1634.32s(cpu)
 ---- BrianQC HCore successfully initialized ----
 ---- BrianQC J/K successfully initialized ----
BrianQC JK build time 4.0000000000 (s)
 A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
 performed using DIIS
 SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-08
  Cycle       Energy         DIIS error
BrianQC JK build time 3.0e+00 (s)
    1    -791.0714228186      1.78e-02
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
    2    -781.2238086040      1.10e-03
BrianQC JK build time 3.00e+00 (s)
    3    -781.4506097186      2.83e-04
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
    4    -781.4849381687      1.20e-04
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
    5    -781.4951773655      8.24e-05
BrianQC JK build time 3.00e+00 (s)
    6    -781.5060415358      6.08e-05
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
    7    -781.5122876068      3.49e-05
BrianQC JK build time 3.00e+00 (s)
    8    -781.5140718229      2.44e-05
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
    9    -781.5147629329      1.08e-05
BrianQC JK build time 3.00e+00 (s)
   10    -781.5148858147      7.91e-06
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
   11    -781.5149652641      4.77e-06
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
   12    -781.5150065681      3.36e-06
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
   13    -781.5150343259      2.12e-06
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
   14    -781.5150468913      1.14e-06
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
   15    -781.5150494596      6.37e-07
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
   16    -781.5150498136      2.54e-07
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
   17    -781.5150498724      1.01e-07
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
   18    -781.5150498789      4.74e-08
BrianQC JK build time 2.00e+00 (s)
   19    -781.5150498758      1.56e-08
   20    -781.5150498758      5.82e-09  Convergence criterion met
 SCF time:   CPU 1268.92s  wall 115.00s
<S^2> =          2.020230773
 SCF   energy in the final basis set =     -781.5150498758
 Total energy in the final basis set =     -781.5150498758

 Total job time:  130.65s(wall), 1289.95s(cpu)

You will see here that the non-SCF time (difference between total and SCF timings) is 2 sec without GPU vs. 15 sec with GPU, which is just a manifestation of additional setup required for GPU computing with BrianQC.