I am trying to optimize some molecules containing ferrocene. At first I started optimizing the neutral ferrocene only and cationic ferrocene only. the neutral ferrocene calculation terminated normally but the cationic calculation just ends without any error. This is my input and output:
1 2
C -2.27569358 1.25528625 1.06623924
C -1.73266905 0.92075215 -0.18161216
C -2.56665159 1.45370853 -1.17375773
C -3.62510578 2.11762741 -0.53908585
C -3.44528385 1.99499568 0.84530841
H -1.86874666 0.99212581 2.02019983
H -2.42086102 1.36864677 -2.23036060
H -4.42935651 2.62848202 -1.02602362
H -4.08813101 2.39577913 1.60096714
Fe -3.62259346 0.15814424 0.00223290
C -4.39068800 -1.31178643 -1.17860526
C -5.42450885 -0.64724848 -0.50516198
C -5.20446550 -0.78707131 0.87177388
C -4.03465031 -1.53802426 1.04932385
C -3.53170854 -1.86231672 -0.21788012
H -4.27713187 -1.38583616 -2.23998248
H -6.23888383 -0.12482637 -0.96207395
H -5.82133317 -0.39014729 1.65076402
H -3.60152390 -1.81513912 1.98767817
H -2.64715261 -2.43050489 -0.41693529
H -0.83831529 0.35732584 -0.34769081
jobtype opt
BASIS def2-tzvp
AUX_BASIS rimp2-def2-tzvp
gui 2
and the last part of the output file is -
70 1.46e-07 3.64e-09
71 1.46e-07 6.97e-10
72 1.48e-07 5.18e-10
73 1.46e-07 1.84e-09
74 1.42e-07 3.94e-09
75 1.30e-07 7.03e-09
76 1.13e-07 7.56e-10
77 9.82e-08 8.42e-09
CCSD Lambda converged.
Computing density matrices in double precision…
What is the cause of these calculation failures? How can I successfully run RICCSD calculations?
Thank you!