SCF Convergence Tips for High-Energy BOMD Jobs?

Hello Q-Chem Community,

I am working on some high-energy collision simulations with Prof. Krylov, and she suggested I reach out here for tips on how to most efficiently simulate these systems. Apologies in advance for the length, but this touches on a number of different issues.

The initial setup is an incident ion traveling at high relative velocity (order of km/s) toward a target cluster under the influence of a high external electric field (order of V/nm). Both have been independently equilibrated and I’m confident in that setup.

Interestingly, most of the simulations seem to perform fine through the initial impact and associated bond-breaking events, but some of them fail SCF convergence later in the trajectory. For reference, here is the last geometry of one such trajectory:

I was going to include a plot of V(elec) vs. time, but as a new user I’m limited to one embedded image. The V(elec) peaks shortly after the collision onset and then displays oscillatory ringing behavior until the failed step.

It’s important to continue the trajectory long enough to determine the final fragmentation products and estimate the fragments’ individual center-of-mass velocity vectors for follow-up work. Also, note that the initial setup has nonzero charge and closed-shell species.

Here is a typical $rem section for the AIMD jobs. I’m also including the applied field section for reference:

   JOBTYPE                    aimd
   EXCHANGE                   wB97X-D
   BASIS                      6-31+G*
   MEM_TOTAL                  28000
   MEM_STATIC                 2000
   SYMMETRY                   off
   SYM_IGNORE                 true
   AIMD_STEPS                 1000
   TIME_STEP                  10
   AIMD_PRINT                 1
   AIMD_INTEGRATION           vverlet
   SCF_MAX_CYCLES             200
   THRESH                     14
   SCF_CONVERGENCE            8
   SCF_ALGORITHM              DIIS_GDM
   FOCK_EXTRAP_ORDER          6
   FOCK_EXTRAP_POINTS         12

Z 1.944690e-3

As mentioned, I found that my setup with DIIS_GDM works well for these systems, and even for the difficult cases, the better converged the DIIS portion is, the better the GDM portion performs. Leveraging the Fock matrix extrapolation to construct the initial guess typically leads to DIIS reaching the 1e-4 threshold within 2 cycles prior to collision or 4-5 cycles after collision onset. I’ve also noticed that as the incident molecule approaches the cluster, the SCF time increases even for steps which use the same number of cycles, though I imagine this is due to the integral threshold?

When the SCF fails to converge with this setup, it does so in a relatively consistent manner. Here is the $molecule input for the failed time step pictured above:

-1 1
C     1.7233212920680792  -5.8563622222002030   2.6048786747123778
C     2.4375397879196297  -1.0874228051560904   4.0718598933933032
N     2.1628857898648932  -5.4199695014953182   1.5360147878851433
N     3.2273781371073684  -0.0164398517616878   4.5508603287990637
C    -2.4440665533422590   0.0938076307047873   4.3807062014564240
C     0.8222764330423260  -4.6654134289634470   1.2655345836184473
C    -2.5260832990681146   5.5018194840497339   1.3008540234951256
C    -1.9674860953278790   4.4610388975035642   0.2037391193483711
H     0.3600197760813975  -3.9023104945299907   1.9531865921891594
H     0.1479132583075785  -5.4586840620234316   0.7648475549804422
H     1.0557076420117912  -4.0689456350053330   0.2628422689404784
H    -2.9344508232436293  -0.6827222814351923   3.4174123036637583
H    -0.3134875250742652  -3.5833952051163229   5.5242226293273369
H     2.7560602083933312  -2.0122525889190683   4.5314335047718650
H    -1.7032065327449961   6.1739214422997701   1.3739078204717476
H    -2.4245445809894517   5.2223902474620436   2.2811378272165772
H    -1.2051280630425107   4.6078192548812202  -0.5554919431957626
H    -1.5828310344967087   3.7843055433666857   0.9835582256715187
H    -2.9211615304447687   3.7693160889112511   0.0220553094153600
B    -1.0749647377131921  -0.3671176989324121   4.6588148350359830
F     4.9290700848318192   2.1087473889413122   7.4972414237638052
F    -0.5359710362822977  -0.8478983513127627   6.0147436240049270
F    -0.1956505658557586  -4.2169237517430647   4.5794648394871178
F    -3.0604364719123045   1.3217485369889355   4.5842459293610789
B     0.9411896695308501  -0.6903418526930895   3.9644195024876741
F    -3.7219260244529622   6.4330459249696021   1.6331972145068072
F     7.8460070137447993   0.1339441223649654   1.4999100072509646
F    -8.6811709239861301  -1.7885950419161010   2.5996066454476798
F     0.3061884474334090   0.1711794773968840   2.5867000898032018

The SCF output for the failed time step in that AIMD job followed:

 A restricted SCF calculation will be
 performed using DIIS, GDM
 SCF converges when RMS gradient is below 1.0e-08
  Cycle       Energy         DIIS error
    1   -1191.9799575958      5.04e-04
    2   -1191.9803084320      1.62e-04
    3   -1191.9766375361      4.93e-04
    4   -1191.9797060029      2.61e-04
    5   -1191.9797198145      2.58e-04
    6   -1191.9808492254      3.75e-05  Done DIIS. Switching to GDM
  Cycle       Energy        RMS Gradient
    1   -1191.9808492254      6.98e-03   Normal BFGS step
    2   -1191.9801442181      5.92e-02  Line search: overstep
    3   -1191.9808681903      2.63e-03   Normal BFGS step
    4   -1191.9808437580      1.01e-02  Line search: overstep
    5   -1191.9808760083      2.64e-03   Normal BFGS step
    6   -1191.9808693666      7.88e-03  Line search: overstep
    7   -1191.9808828670      2.61e-03   Normal BFGS step
    8   -1191.9808606451      1.31e-02  Line search: overstep
    9   -1191.9808905269      2.03e-03   Normal BFGS step
   10   -1191.9808760909      6.23e-03  Line search: overstep
   11   -1191.9808960377      1.83e-03   Normal BFGS step
   12   -1191.9809008387      1.14e-03   Normal BFGS step
   13   -1191.9809057086      4.98e-04   Normal BFGS step
   14   -1191.9809074041      2.36e-04   Normal BFGS step
   15   -1191.9809078349      9.32e-05   Normal BFGS step
   16   -1191.9809079403      5.88e-05   Normal BFGS step
   17   -1191.9809079976      3.70e-05   Normal BFGS step
   18   -1191.9809080182      3.65e-05   Normal BFGS step
   19   -1191.9809080350      3.58e-05   Normal BFGS step
   20   -1191.9809080523      3.49e-05   Normal BFGS step
   21   -1191.9809080815      3.35e-05   Normal BFGS step
   22   -1191.9809081790      8.24e-05   Normal BFGS step
   23   -1191.9809082751      8.39e-05   Normal BFGS step
   24   -1191.9809084024      9.23e-05   Normal BFGS step
   25   -1191.9809085061      7.61e-05   Normal BFGS step
   26   -1191.9809085028      4.10e-04  Line search: overstep
   27   -1191.9809085221      1.45e-04   Normal BFGS step
   28   -1191.9809084645      5.19e-04  Line search: overstep
   29   -1191.9809085293      5.64e-05   Normal BFGS step
   30   -1191.9809084993      4.90e-04  Line search: overstep
   31   -1191.9809085333      4.25e-05   Normal BFGS step
   32   -1191.9809085148      1.75e-04  Line search: overstep
   33   -1191.9809085375      1.75e-05   Normal BFGS step
   34   -1191.9809085374      7.52e-05   Normal BFGS step
   35   -1191.9809085398      4.09e-05   Normal BFGS step
   36   -1191.9809085406      3.26e-05   Normal BFGS step
   37   -1191.9809085418      1.24e-05   Normal BFGS step
   38   -1191.9809085425      8.54e-06   Normal BFGS step
   39   -1191.9809085435      8.52e-06   Normal BFGS step
   40   -1191.9809085459      1.16e-05   Normal BFGS step
   41   -1191.9809085514      1.97e-05   Normal BFGS step
   42   -1191.9809085637      2.96e-05   Normal BFGS step
   43   -1191.9809085882      3.70e-05   Normal BFGS step
   44   -1191.9809086148      4.04e-05   Normal BFGS step
   45   -1191.9809086304      2.68e-05   Normal BFGS step
   46   -1191.9809086359      2.89e-05   Normal BFGS step
   47   -1191.9809086379      1.72e-05   Normal BFGS step
   48   -1191.9809086383      2.86e-05   Normal BFGS step
   49   -1191.9809086379      6.87e-05   Normal BFGS step
   50   -1191.9809086379      4.85e-05   Normal BFGS step
   51   -1191.9809086378      5.81e-05   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 9.75e-09
   52   -1191.9809086364      5.16e-05   Normal BFGS step
   53   -1191.9809086386      3.05e-05   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 9.75e-09
   54   -1191.9809086368      4.67e-05   Normal BFGS step
   55   -1191.9809086394      1.36e-05   Normal BFGS step
   56   -1191.9809086391      2.43e-05   Normal BFGS step
   57   -1191.9809086399      6.26e-06   Normal BFGS step
   58   -1191.9809086401      6.02e-06   Normal BFGS step
   59   -1191.9809086405      4.04e-06   Normal BFGS step
   60   -1191.9809086419      5.98e-06   Normal BFGS step
   61   -1191.9809086442      1.04e-05   Normal BFGS step
   62   -1191.9809086481      1.45e-05   Normal BFGS step
   63   -1191.9809086528      2.00e-05   Normal BFGS step
   64   -1191.9809086566      1.65e-05   Normal BFGS step
   65   -1191.9809086586      1.12e-05   Normal BFGS step
   66   -1191.9809086600      1.94e-05   Normal BFGS step
   67   -1191.9809086595      9.35e-05   Normal BFGS step
   68   -1191.9809086605      4.89e-05   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 9.75e-09
   69   -1191.9809086550      1.63e-04   Normal BFGS step
   70   -1191.9809086611      1.33e-05   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 9.75e-09
   71   -1191.9809086592      5.17e-05   Normal BFGS step
   72   -1191.9809086614      7.31e-06   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 9.75e-09
   73   -1191.9809086609      2.15e-05   Normal BFGS step
   74   -1191.9809086616      6.11e-06   Normal BFGS step
   75   -1191.9809086614      8.90e-06   Normal BFGS step
   76   -1191.9809086618      3.82e-06   Normal BFGS step
   77   -1191.9809086619      6.85e-06   Normal BFGS step
   78   -1191.9809086623      3.72e-06   Normal BFGS step
   79   -1191.9809086640      1.72e-05   Normal BFGS step
   80   -1191.9809086662      3.01e-05   Normal BFGS step
   81   -1191.9809086686      2.47e-05   Normal BFGS step
   82   -1191.9809086698      8.45e-06   Normal BFGS step
   83   -1191.9809086702      4.66e-06   Normal BFGS step
   84   -1191.9809086703      4.52e-06   Normal BFGS step
   85   -1191.9809086704      5.33e-06   Normal BFGS step
   86   -1191.9809086704      2.49e-05   Normal BFGS step
   87   -1191.9809086705      1.02e-05   Normal BFGS step
   88   -1191.9809086708      1.50e-05   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 9.75e-09
   89   -1191.9809086701      4.80e-05   Normal BFGS step
   90   -1191.9809086710      3.83e-06   Normal BFGS step
   91   -1191.9809086710      1.58e-05   Normal BFGS step
   92   -1191.9809086714      4.62e-06   Normal BFGS step
   93   -1191.9809086716      1.16e-05   Normal BFGS step
   94   -1191.9809086717      1.98e-05   Normal BFGS step
   95   -1191.9809086719      4.93e-06   Normal BFGS step
   96   -1191.9809086720      2.41e-06   Normal BFGS step
   97   -1191.9809086720      1.80e-06   Normal BFGS step
   98   -1191.9809086720      8.00e-07   Normal BFGS step
   99   -1191.9809086720      4.13e-07   Normal BFGS step
  100   -1191.9809086720      4.68e-07   Normal BFGS step
  101   -1191.9809086720      4.63e-07   Normal BFGS step
  102   -1191.9809086720      3.80e-07   Normal BFGS step
  103   -1191.9809086720      9.67e-07   Normal BFGS step
  104   -1191.9809086720      5.18e-06   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 9.75e-09
  105   -1191.9809086720      1.34e-05   Normal BFGS step
  106   -1191.9809086721      2.42e-06   Normal BFGS step
  107   -1191.9809086721      1.77e-06   Normal BFGS step
  108   -1191.9809086721      1.50e-05   Normal BFGS step
  109   -1191.9809086721      5.64e-06   Normal BFGS step
  110   -1191.9809086721      2.17e-06   Normal BFGS step
  111   -1191.9809086721      1.60e-06   Normal BFGS step
  112   -1191.9809086721      1.34e-06   Normal BFGS step
  113   -1191.9809086721      8.18e-07   Normal BFGS step
  114   -1191.9809086721      1.50e-06   Normal BFGS step
  115   -1191.9809086721      1.21e-06   Normal BFGS step
  116   -1191.9809086721      2.61e-07   Normal BFGS step
  117   -1191.9809086721      2.59e-07   Normal BFGS step
  118   -1191.9809086721      3.18e-07   Normal BFGS step
  119   -1191.9809086721      4.28e-07   Normal BFGS step
  120   -1191.9809086721      3.06e-07   Normal BFGS step
  121   -1191.9809086721      8.32e-07   Normal BFGS step
  122   -1191.9809086721      1.80e-06   Normal BFGS step
  123   -1191.9809086721      4.17e-06   Normal BFGS step
  124   -1191.9809086721      1.14e-06   Normal BFGS step
  125   -1191.9809086721      1.45e-06   Normal BFGS step
  126   -1191.9809086722      2.30e-06   Normal BFGS step
  127   -1191.9809086722      7.85e-06   Normal BFGS step
  128   -1191.9809086722      4.14e-06   Normal BFGS step
  129   -1191.9809086722      2.17e-06   Normal BFGS step
  130   -1191.9809086722      8.81e-07   Normal BFGS step
  131   -1191.9809086722      3.07e-06   Normal BFGS step
  132   -1191.9809086722      2.92e-06   Normal BFGS step
  133   -1191.9809086722      2.48e-06   Normal BFGS step
  134   -1191.9809086722      2.23e-06   Normal BFGS step
  135   -1191.9809086722      1.07e-06   Normal BFGS step
  136   -1191.9809086722      1.54e-06   Normal BFGS step
  137   -1191.9809086722      7.58e-07   Normal BFGS step
  138   -1191.9809086722      8.43e-07   Normal BFGS step
  139   -1191.9809086722      9.86e-07   Normal BFGS step
  140   -1191.9809086722      1.16e-06   Normal BFGS step
  141   -1191.9809086722      1.90e-06   Normal BFGS step
  142   -1191.9809086722      4.78e-06   Normal BFGS step
  143   -1191.9809086722      3.89e-07   Normal BFGS step
  144   -1191.9809086722      1.16e-06   Normal BFGS step
  145   -1191.9809086722      5.16e-07   Normal BFGS step
  146   -1191.9809086722      5.41e-07   Normal BFGS step
  147   -1191.9809086722      3.98e-07   Normal BFGS step
  148   -1191.9809086722      1.26e-06   Normal BFGS step
  149   -1191.9809086722      1.44e-07   Normal BFGS step
  150   -1191.9809086722      1.55e-07   Normal BFGS step
  151   -1191.9809086722      2.05e-07   Normal BFGS step
  152   -1191.9809086722      5.14e-07   Normal BFGS step
  153   -1191.9809086722      6.03e-07   Normal BFGS step
  154   -1191.9809086722      4.93e-07   Normal BFGS step
  155   -1191.9809086722      4.39e-07   Normal BFGS step
  156   -1191.9809086722      1.94e-07   Normal BFGS step
  157   -1191.9809086722      1.92e-07   Normal BFGS step
  158   -1191.9809086722      2.07e-07   Normal BFGS step
  159   -1191.9809086722      2.28e-07   Normal BFGS step
  160   -1191.9809086723      7.94e-07   Normal BFGS step
  161   -1191.9809086722      1.68e-06   Normal BFGS step
  162   -1191.9809086722      4.99e-07   Normal BFGS step
  163   -1191.9809086723      7.09e-07   Normal BFGS step
  164   -1191.9809086722      4.91e-07   Normal BFGS step
  165   -1191.9809086722      5.16e-07   Normal BFGS step
  166   -1191.9809086722      3.21e-07   Normal BFGS step
  167   -1191.9809086723      1.25e-06   Normal BFGS step
  168   -1191.9809086722      1.65e-06   Normal BFGS step
  169   -1191.9809086723      3.07e-07   Normal BFGS step
  170   -1191.9809086723      1.17e-07   Normal BFGS step
  171   -1191.9809086723      1.85e-07   Normal BFGS step
  172   -1191.9809086723      3.24e-07   Normal BFGS step
  173   -1191.9809086723      4.46e-07   Normal BFGS step
  174   -1191.9809086723      1.01e-07   Normal BFGS step
  175   -1191.9809086723      6.55e-08   Normal BFGS step
  176   -1191.9809086723      1.23e-07   Normal BFGS step
  177   -1191.9809086723      7.08e-08   Normal BFGS step
  178   -1191.9809086723      1.49e-07   Normal BFGS step
  179   -1191.9809086723      9.53e-08   Normal BFGS step
  180   -1191.9809086723      1.63e-07   Normal BFGS step
  181   -1191.9809086723      3.03e-07   Normal BFGS step
  182   -1191.9809086723      4.58e-08   Normal BFGS step
  183   -1191.9809086723      1.13e-07   Normal BFGS step
  184   -1191.9809086723      7.36e-08   Normal BFGS step
  185   -1191.9809086723      7.47e-08   Normal BFGS step
  186   -1191.9809086723      1.43e-07   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 1.27e-08
  187   -1191.9809086723      3.45e-07   Normal BFGS step
  188   -1191.9809086723      4.32e-07   Normal BFGS step
  189   -1191.9809086723      4.92e-08   Normal BFGS step
  190   -1191.9809086723      4.01e-08   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 1.27e-08
  191   -1191.9809086723      2.50e-08   Normal BFGS step
  192   -1191.9809086723      1.94e-08   Normal BFGS step
  193   -1191.9809086723      1.96e-08   Normal BFGS step
  194   -1191.9809086723      8.12e-08   Normal BFGS step
  195   -1191.9809086723      4.73e-08   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 1.27e-08
  196   -1191.9809086723      3.04e-08   Normal BFGS step
  197   -1191.9809086723      3.23e-08   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 1.27e-08
  198   -1191.9809086723      6.26e-08   Normal BFGS step
  199   -1191.9809086723      3.33e-08   Normal BFGS step
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 1.27e-08
  200   -1191.9809086723      2.85e-08   Normal BFGS step
gen_scfman_exception: SCF failed to converge

The GDM warning from the output is typical for failed simulations, always first appearing at an RMS gradient on the order of 1e-05 (even for expensive time steps which do wind up converging the SCF before reaching the max cycles). The effective_threshold it provides is always on the order of 1e-09 for any cycle containing that warning. This job showed that the energy was practically unchanging near the end – and it likely would have reached convergence within another 100 cycles – but this wasn’t always the case for other jobs. For example, another failed job (different species) had the following SCF output:

   60   -1455.8860708558      1.47e-05   Normal BFGS step                             
   61   -1455.8860708560      1.79e-05   Normal BFGS step                             
   62   -1455.8860708564      1.21e-05   Normal BFGS step                             
  GDM::WARNING energy changes are now smaller than effective accuracy.                
  GDM::        calculation will continue, but THRESH should be increased              
  GDM::        or SCF_CONVERGENCE decreased.                                          
  GDM::        effective_thresh = 7.30e-09                                            
   63   -1455.8860708550      1.06e-04   Normal BFGS step                             
   64   -1455.8860708566      1.29e-05   Normal BFGS step                             
   65   -1455.8860708566      1.44e-05   Normal BFGS step
  195   -1455.8860747263      4.96e-04   Normal BFGS step
  196   -1455.8860748652      1.15e-03   Normal BFGS step
  197   -1455.8860749210      5.48e-04   Normal BFGS step
  198   -1455.8860754361      8.07e-04   Normal BFGS step
  199   -1455.8860757413      1.11e-04   Normal BFGS step
  200   -1455.8860759923      1.02e-03   Normal BFGS step
gen_scfman_exception: SCF failed to converge

Prof. Krylov suggested the issue might be due to a very small energy gap between occupied and virtual orbitals. Are there any general techniques to improve performance on these kinds of systems? I should also note that although some of the fragmented species are likely open-shell, it doesn’t make sense to us to do unrestricted SCF since there’s no guarantee that any step will identify the same global minimum state. For these high-energy systems, we’re comfortable with whatever small energy error may be introduced by requiring restricted SCF. We’re also looking into whether dropping the diffuse orbitals will ease convergence with a smaller basis set without significantly affecting the results.

My natural instinct for the failed jobs is to try different initial guesses. Indeed, many of them are able to trudge along slowly but successfully upon a naive restart of the scratch MOs from the previous step. I believe these restarts do not read in any history for the Fock matrix extrapolation. This leads me to question whether maybe extrapolation after the “peak” collision period is hurting rather than helping? Is it possible that the system retains memory from a vastly different chemical environment as the atoms were slamming into one another, and “resetting” the extrapolation would resolve it?

I have tried other initial guesses, typically without success if reading the MOs didn’t work. Because some fragments are charged species (e.g. H+ or F-) and SAD uses the density of neutral atoms, it may not be the most appropriate. Trying SAP has also shown little success. Do you have any other recommendations or general strategies for these kinds of jobs to balance performance/efficiency/robustness?


If you’re breaking bonds then it’s not so surprising that you might encounter SCF convergence difficulties, and I think you absolute should be using unrestricted SCF, else the dissociation barriers to form open-shell fragments will be much too high. There’s not always a good way to make this work robustly when you are putting so much kinetic energy into the system. I might be tempted to use SCF_GUESS_ALWAYS = TRUE (rather than extrapolation), which will force the system to generate a new guess (SAD or however SCF_GUESS is set) at each step. Might take a bit longer for well-behaved trajectories but could be more robust.

Thanks for the reply. The thought was that overpredicting dissociation barriers is preferable to underpredicting them (and observing fragmentation where none should exist). Additionally, the hope was that using the range-separated hybrid wB97X-D would help mitigate this, and the high kinetic energies from collision would wash out the energy differences between restricted/unrestricted.

I’ll run an unrestricted job to compare, but a quick SP test on the system input from above seems to suffer from the same convergence problems as the restricted SCF, where the energy changes very slowly near the end, and the GDW throws the warning about effective accuracy. Is there a setting which would help this, considering that THRESH is already at 14?

Is mixing HOMO/LUMO via SCF_GUESS_MIX a good idea for these unrestricted AIMD jobs (which have an even number of electrons)? Also, I imagine it will be very important to keep track of fragments’ spin states between steps and ensure spin contamination does not become an issue. What’s the best way to do that for systems like these in an AIMD job where the fragmentation products are not known a priori?

  • I don’t think there’s a general way to monitor spin states, other than running individual fragments as separate SCF jobs.

  • Yes, you should break the spin symmetry of the guess for unrestricted calculations with an even number of electrons. I have a hunch that an unrestricted wave function may be easier to converge for stretched bonds.

  • You may need to consider a variety of SCF algorithms (RCA, ADIIS, etc.) for these systems with multiple low-lying states, as is often the case for bond-breaking.