Segmentation fault when state anallysis is performed

I am using Q-Chem 6.0.2 to do state analysis for a TDDFT calculation envolving singlet and triplet states but can not get the results. The output error message (*.e) tells me that there is some segmentation fault in Q-Chem.
This is the input file.

read           coord.dat

X HF   0.2 ! alpha = 0.2
X PBE  0.763 ! 1 - alpha - beta
X wPBE 0.0367 ! beta ; because beta = 1/epsilon -alpha = (1/epsilon) -0.2 = 0.05, epsilon for dielectric constant
C PBE  1.00

jobtype               sp
exchange              general
correlation           none
lrc_dft               true
src_dft               2
omega                 800
omega2                800
HF_SR                 200           ! alpha * 1000
HF_LR                 237          ! (alpha + beta) * 1000
basis                 def2-SVP
incdft                false
scf_convergence       8
geom_opt_maxcyc       500
max_scf_cycles        1000
mem_static            37000
pop_mulliken          -1
solvent_method        pcm
rpa                   false                ! 2: for TDDFT
cis_n_roots           45
cis_singlets          true
cis_triplets          true
sts_donor             61-168    ! donor atom index
sts_acceptor          1-60      ! acceptor atom index
sts_fcd               true      ! compute electronic couplings with FCD method
sts_mom               true      ! calculate state-to-state transition moments
sts_fsd               true      ! fsd calculation Control the calculation of FSD for EET couplings.
calc_soc              true
cis_mulliken          true
CHELPG                true      ! chelpg charge
CHELPG_HA             194
CHELPG_H              194
cis_moments           true        ! Excited state multipole moments
STATE_ANALYSIS        true
molden_format         true
print_general_basis   true
gui                   2         ! for producing wavefunction .fchk file

Theory         SSVPE

Dielectric     4.2247
OpticalDielectric 2.298

This is the coordinate file.

0 1
  C    4.5493100    0.5937500    1.6421200
  C    3.9240000    0.7839300    0.2489400
  C    3.9624400   -0.5284800   -0.6837100
  C    4.6243700   -1.7473700   -0.0143300
  C    4.9302800   -1.8320300    1.3255300
  C    4.8885100   -0.6267000    2.1811300
  C    5.3075600    1.7602500    2.0086800
  C    5.4536600    2.5957100    0.8320200
  C    4.7834100    1.9509400   -0.2642000
  C    5.3463100    1.9988600   -1.5208000
  C    4.8539500   -0.3993700   -1.9282600
  C    5.4443200   -2.4483800   -0.9657000
  C    6.5030700   -3.2654700   -0.5517300
  C    6.8082000   -3.3680300    0.8544500
  C    6.0366800   -2.6485900    1.7745600
  C    6.6816800   -1.9727100    2.8864700
  C    5.9738500   -0.7290600    3.1342900
  C    6.6863400    0.4104200    3.5253700
  C    6.3433800    1.6880400    2.9479800
  C    6.6287300    3.3295700    0.6349700
  C    7.7118600    3.2398600    1.6014200
  C    7.5722500    2.4365200    2.7331800
  C    8.6797100    1.6075500    3.1785000
  C    8.1301700    0.3527100    3.6685400
  C    8.8083500   -0.8454100    3.4284700
  C    8.0678300   -2.0349700    3.0369400
  C    8.8701100   -2.7687800    2.0696400
  C    8.2517700   -3.4229700    1.0009000
  C    5.5876000   -1.6164800   -2.1455500
  C   10.1664700   -1.8032800   -1.7149000
  C    9.1242900   -1.7154100   -2.6415500
  C    8.7709300   -0.4275900   -3.2188600
  C    9.4750700    0.7198600   -2.8446000
  C   10.5589800    0.6278200   -1.8851200
  C   11.2060900   -0.7075200    0.0879200
  C   10.6630800   -1.9634800    0.5787800
  C   10.0212200   -2.6412000   -0.5346700
  C    8.8396200   -3.3577600   -0.3283200
  C    7.7558100   -3.2618000   -1.2915700
  C    7.8951100   -2.4589200   -2.4234100
  C    7.3259400   -0.3801300   -3.3566200
  C    6.6353900    0.8103400   -3.1014800
  C    7.3709800    2.0013900   -2.7138200
  C    8.7609000    1.9625000   -2.5945400
  C    9.4129700    2.6433400   -1.4861200
  C   10.5205100    1.8172000   -1.0450600
  C   10.8227300    1.7212900    0.3159700
  C   11.1694100    0.4329300    0.8933800
  C   10.0984000   -2.0277900    1.8555500
  C   10.0600300   -0.8383900    2.6955000
  C   10.5881000    0.3665300    2.2242600
  C    9.8838000    1.6133600    2.4699300
  C   10.0292700    2.4514200    1.2896400
  C    8.9647400    3.2503400    0.8650000
  C    8.6498700    3.3487700   -0.5519400
  C    7.2049100    3.3985700   -0.6862600
  C    6.5751800    2.7309700   -1.7428500
  C    6.7874500   -1.6255900   -2.8656700
  C    5.3819000    0.7922700   -2.3772000
  C   10.8981300   -0.6086900   -1.3295300
  C    2.4453400   -0.7605200   -1.0695900
  C    2.3935600    1.1370300    0.3714100
  H    2.2821300   -0.3355000   -2.0684600
  H    2.1662200    1.3869800    1.4087800
  N    1.6935000   -0.0716500   -0.0377800
  C    2.1182400   -2.2515800   -1.2057900
  O    2.2119100   -2.8370100   -2.2663600
  O    1.7631400   -2.8267900   -0.0510400
  C    2.0136300    2.4016300   -0.4242000
  O    1.8531800    3.4874100    0.0908500
  O    1.8847300    2.1583700   -1.7410800
  C    1.4721900   -4.2390300   -0.1125300
  H    1.1894800   -4.5179400    0.9015800
  H    0.6521600   -4.4244500   -0.8098800
  H    2.3562400   -4.7930400   -0.4361200
  C    1.5284800    3.2915900   -2.5646600
  H    1.4643900    2.9019300   -3.5795800
  H    0.5678300    3.7000000   -2.2446700
  H    2.2969900    4.0640700   -2.4915500
  C   -2.5694900   -0.0223000   -0.0529200
  C   -1.8531000   -0.5701700   -1.1254400
  C   -1.8279300    0.5153800    1.0123500
  C   -0.4568700   -0.5770000   -1.1464500
  H   -2.3938900   -0.9788500   -1.9741800
  C   -0.4361300    0.4986000    1.0115500
  H   -2.3513000    0.9400400    1.8638300
  C    0.2772100   -0.0498800   -0.0706300
  H    0.0446200   -0.9813400   -2.0184400
  H    0.0946700    0.9010400    1.8675500
  C  -11.0699600   -2.4555000   -0.1113500
  C  -10.1245400   -3.4285400   -0.1020500
  C   -8.8372500   -2.7501200    0.0191700
  N   -9.0050300   -1.3935700    0.0639600
  C  -10.3560600   -1.1869100    0.0045700
  C  -10.0024000    3.5583700    0.1368500
  C  -10.9864800    2.6033100    0.1691300
  C  -10.3641300    1.3156500    0.0571600
  N   -9.0088800    1.5439800   -0.0315000
  C   -8.7380500    2.8937800    0.0038100
  C  -11.0091900    0.0654300    0.0427600
  C   -4.0105500    2.5078400   -0.3004200
  C   -4.9561600    3.4807500   -0.3098400
  C   -6.2397700    2.8088000   -0.1298500
  N   -6.0693300    1.4547200   -0.0321900
  C   -4.7205600    1.2454300   -0.1147700
  C   -7.4707500    3.4999700   -0.0731500
  C   -5.0692200   -3.4911500    0.2266900
  C   -4.0848600   -2.5364500    0.1943700
  C   -4.7095700   -1.2537600    0.0421700
  N   -6.0664600   -1.4846600   -0.0021600
  C   -6.3366400   -2.8318700    0.0962900
  C   -7.6047700   -3.4393600    0.0743400
  C   -4.0666200   -0.0055700   -0.0420600
  C   -7.4442800    4.9975800   -0.0927500
  C   -7.6323400   -4.9367300    0.1165800
  C  -12.5067000    0.0836600    0.0740100
  C   -6.9151700    5.7251700    0.9800500
  C   -6.8846500    7.1243700    0.9760300
  C   -7.3899100    7.8235200   -0.1270800
  C   -7.9225600    7.1113500   -1.2127100
  C   -7.9494100    5.7213500   -1.1893700
  C  -13.2118700   -0.3871700    1.1881300
  C  -14.6106500   -0.3739400    1.2326900
  C  -15.3323800    0.1166200    0.1375200
  C  -14.6429600    0.5905600   -0.9891900
  C  -13.2528200    0.5747500   -1.0139600
  C   -7.1689600   -5.7027200   -0.9596400
  C   -7.1939300   -7.1021000   -0.9317400
  C   -7.6880300   -7.7615300    0.2003800
  C   -8.1536900   -7.0103300    1.2905500
  C   -8.1265100   -5.6210900    1.2431300
  H  -12.1393700   -2.5723500   -0.2085500
  H  -10.2714700   -4.4951900   -0.1891000
  H  -10.1272900    4.6278100    0.2117400
  H  -12.0486500    2.7631400    0.2747100
  H   -8.3037000    0.8157000   -0.0641500
  H   -2.9436700    2.6225100   -0.4244900
  H   -4.8117800    4.5426700   -0.4447600
  H   -4.9434700   -4.5565100    0.3452900
  H   -3.0206300   -2.6922500    0.2832600
  H   -6.7725400   -0.7579200   -0.0490100
  H   -6.4710900    7.6464600    1.8306900
  H   -8.3048300    7.6661200   -2.0635700
  H  -15.1148000   -0.7424500    2.1181900
  H  -15.2153800    0.9616600   -1.8332700
  H   -6.8340000   -7.6547200   -1.7915100
  H   -8.5299800   -7.5350000    2.1628900
  O   -7.4093500    9.1854600   -0.2409300
  O  -16.6963300    0.1752700    0.0695800
  O   -7.7584600   -9.1196400    0.3392200
  C   -6.8773900    9.9646600    0.8237300
  H   -6.9932900   11.0048800    0.5171900
  H   -7.4294800    9.7968200    1.7569900
  H   -5.8136700    9.7489100    0.9844700
  C  -17.4533900   -0.2959300    1.1778000
  H  -17.2358800    0.2811100    2.0853800
  H  -18.4997500   -0.1572000    0.9033000
  H  -17.2649000   -1.3601000    1.3674500
  C   -7.3065100   -9.9372700   -0.7333100
  H   -7.4563600  -10.9667100   -0.4057900
  H   -7.8883000   -9.7575300   -1.6460700
  H   -6.2415500   -9.7728900   -0.9405700
  H   -6.5240000    5.1924300    1.8419500
  H   -8.3576900    5.1828100   -2.0397300
  H  -12.6612400   -0.7663100    2.0441500
  H  -12.7322700    0.9377800   -1.8954500
  H   -8.4875500   -5.0515300    2.0944900
  H   -6.7910500   -5.2010900   -1.8459800

Fault information

qchem6cpu/bin/qchem: line 126: 1110068 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) ${QCPROG_S} ${inp} ${scr}
Error in Q-Chem run part 1
Error in the Q-Chem run

we’ve recently seen some cases where STATE_ANALYSIS=TRUE is incompatible with MOLDEN_FORMAT=TRUE, so you might try turning one of these off.

Unfortunately, state_analysis is not super robust when you use lots and lots of other input options. I would take out the sts options, cis_mulliken, and maybe SOC. None of these would affect the output printed by state_analysis. So, it would be ok to have it in two separate calculations (except for requiring some extra computational time).

Thanks, Felix. It’s always a good idea to construct a minimalist example whenever a problem is encountered.

I just had a go. On my installation of Q-Chem 6.1 (Intel compilers, Ubuntu) the job works without a problem. So, I can’t really help in finding the problem.