I’m looking for more information (spin density or charges) about spin flip dft’s excited states,
so I turned on state analysis option.
but the output stopped at
Analysis of Unrelaxed Density Matrices
I checked the log file;
Segmentation fault
Error: in the serial run
I don’t know exactly what makes the problem…
Or maybe…state analysis doesn’t work with spin flip?
I needs your helps, thank you.
Can you provide the input that is causing this failure? In addition, could you copy the error message as well as a few of the lines before the error. Finally, which version of Q-Chem are you using that resulted in your error?
This is a multi-thread run using 16 threads
/usr/local/qchem_omp/exe/qcprog.exe .51.inp.88578.qcin.1 /work/60267/qchem88578/
Segmentation fault
Error: in the serial run