I want to calculate SOC elements between singlet and triplet states from EOM-CCSD calculation, but I get the following lines:
State OPDM analysis using libwa module will be excecuted
contents of the context
/canmo/ao/dx_bb : ??? (libtensor::expr::btensor_i<2ul, double>)
/canmo/ao/dxx_bb : ??? (libtensor::expr::btensor_i<2ul, double>)
. (There is a long list of various parameters here)
/rawmo/symmetry/pg/irreps : ??? (std::map<unsigned long, std::string, std::less, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long const, std::string> > >)
/rawmo/symmetry/pg/name : C1 (std::string)
Q-Chem fatal error occurred in module /scratch/qcdevops/jenkins/workspace/build_qchem_linux_distrib/tags/qc601rc1/qchem/ccman2/qchem/ccman2_main.C, line 26:
If this is still causing you problems, please provide your Q-Chem version number along with an input file that exhibits the problem. Use the preformatted text box for the latter, </>
The issue is the STATE_ANALYSIS keyword, which triggers wave function analysis via the libwfa module but is somehow crashing this job. With that removed, the job runs to completion.
It’s usually a good idea, in an input like this with many different input options, to test some combinations and see what is causing the problem. In this case the last line of useful text was a clue:
State OPDM analysis using libwa module will be executed
Further testing suggests that CALC_SOC and STATE_ANALYSIS appear to be incompatible. I will submit a bug ticket.
No, I coded a special type of analysis in libwfa for SOC, which should be activated passing both CALC_SOC and STATE_ANALYSIS. It used to be working. Here is the paper describing it: P. Pokhilko, A. I. Krylov. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 4857 – 4862 (2019)
May I ask which transition is of interest for analysis? EOM-to-EOM or REF-to-EOM?
I looked into the issue. Please modify the rem section of the input as shown below. It works for Q-Chem 6.1. If you want EOM-to-EOM transitions, you can specify CC_TRANS_PROP 2.