Strange errors in batch jobs

Hello everyone,
I’m using qchem 5.4.1, i’m using NEMO with qchem to calculate ISC rates, however when submitting a batch of jobs i get lots of strange errors:

For example:

*** Error in `/cm/shared/apps/qchem/qchem54/exe/qcprog.exe_s’: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x00000000371b7e70 ***

*** Error in `/cm/shared/apps/qchem/qchem54/exe/qcprog.exe_s’: free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x00000000382148e0 ***

*** Error in `/cm/shared/apps/qchem/qchem54/exe/qcprog.exe_s’: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000037a0d620 ***

Is it possible this is due to disk space? I am only using 50 GB out of 2 TB so that would be weird.
It always seems to crash before the printing of the orbital energies, after the STATE-TO-STATE TRANSITION MOMENTS have been printed.

That looks like a Q-Chem problem not a batch job problem. Can you please post a complete input file that exhibits the error? Use the formatted text button </> to avoid losing special characters.


cis_n_roots             5
cis_singlets            true
cis_triplets            true
calc_soc                true
STS_MOM                 true
solvent_method          PCM
EXCHANGE            LRC-wPBE
OMEGA               184
RPA                 false
BASIS               6-31G(d,p)
THRESH              14

theory                  IEFPCM
ChargeSeparation        Marcus
StateSpecific           Perturb

Dielectric              37.5
OpticalDielectric       1.8066048100000003

0 1
C   1.27377551664317  1.69461248014133  -0.53196590925741
C   1.14891923958454  0.64962097139574  0.43817976172310
C   2.58938254687196  2.21124313261416  -0.76909007238453
C   3.67232924804091  1.50203455946636  -0.29523842881273
C   3.54496092842987  0.53449172846677  0.65667596709262
C   2.26871997830362  0.01263314839975  1.01409351499730
C   5.10867494728464  1.85394042872957  -0.41500238349855
C   5.41509695153314  3.29035560421130  0.01624931188216
C   5.71564893477905  1.77199401430941  -1.81530515226767
C   5.83109016585376  0.80661633093045  0.48452466768767
N   4.83406330329287  0.05048580758413  1.14582932942266
C   4.95640754099721  -0.85770383926689  2.28918252635682
S   8.15883019347720  -1.30867698099547  -0.76985425361321
C   7.20139222484259  0.40447338413368  0.66377729298978
C   8.32234512083268  1.36221639831556  0.50223068517498
C   9.63668482430370  0.80287492737406  0.14573579387472
C   9.67866337541142  -0.50176194936325  -0.40801081286863
C   10.97807620052607  -1.10256929942235  -0.63202085166272
C   10.85415806896645  1.64346361030839  0.23300800682473
C   12.00526756269975  0.97152484552600  -0.29447567812508
C   12.08220156581073  -0.30677744321962  -0.69244697242140
N   13.10726739651277  1.98259164362935  -0.32286851660776
O   12.87095005036340  3.21420931606783  -0.08756383557016
O   14.19796566615205  1.56407298805960  -0.79308001494797
H   0.36415274543137  2.17896221517842  -0.92789233161983
H   0.21725627591957  0.31288154738483  0.73222978548603
H   2.43968735922604  3.09841791458018  -1.36016764043007
H   2.07907074252682  -0.82440962664480  1.76194342920113
H   5.00163141773958  4.00841539281049  -0.79086298757088
H   6.43508688323929  3.24363989082623  0.17978907744596
H   4.99691631522621  3.64314821505966  1.09692820261748
H   5.11845658044236  2.61923582351130  -2.15663402604157
H   5.65656394969590  0.72415516745454  -2.26615333968845
H   6.80085367064321  1.94297713504508  -1.69430259154829
H   5.82744081442201  -0.44983599487632  2.96924420631895
H   5.48312599212096  -1.71893918214267  1.82017120999877
H   4.06049887070731  -1.05185642779775  2.93868348335497
H   7.40365570400844  -0.37197703288191  1.43321520977277
H   8.27305123312518  2.52615427235979  0.66977281824739
H   11.13363020515501  -2.02743205607122  -1.20467988485005
H   10.73138580250827  2.49003346820822  0.69451039529536
H   12.99611181712918  -0.93245985935317  -0.96142096786638

I don’t know NEMO at all, but just running Q-Chem 6.1 on our cluster, your input runs to completion in 416 sec on 20 processors. It’s only 454 basis functions so memory/disk requirements should be quite modest. Do you have the ability to just run Q-Chem from a linux shell?

there are 500 of these jobs (which different geometries, displaced according to the normal modes), and i can only run qchem 5.4.1 on a cluster it seems to be okay if i run them one by hand, but when i submit all of the at the same time sometimes they crash before printing the final part of the qchem output file and I get these strange errors as above.

Acually scratch some of that - if i run them 1 by 1 they still crash for me sometimes

Strange that this only seems to happen with these types of jobs, I can run other jobs fine. They just sometimes crash at the point after “Transition Moments Between Triplet Excited States” are printed. Is there something special qchem does after this?

what is the last part of the output?

   State     X           Y           Z(a.u.)
       0   2483.856526  285.477123  -15.741104

 Within CIS/TDA Excited States:

    Electron Dipole Moments of Triplet Excited State
   State     X           Y           Z(a.u.)
       1   2483.182964  286.788981  -15.053309
       3   2481.988968  287.639653  -14.402910
       4   2490.244852  288.148640  -15.885217
       6   2486.106596  286.596149  -15.508314
       8   2486.630431  287.554415  -15.545583

                Transition Moments Between Ground and Triplet Excited States
    States   X          Y          Z           Strength(a.u.)
    0    1   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000  -9.432241E-43
    0    3   0.000000   0.000000  -0.000000   3.646884E-39
    0    4   0.000000  -0.000000  -0.000000   2.310974E-38
    0    6   0.000000   0.000000  -0.000000   3.104072E-37
    0    8   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   4.118646E-39

                Transition Moments Between Triplet Excited States
    States   X          Y          Z           Strength(a.u.)
    1    3   0.003077   0.185958   0.046226     0.00147793
    1    4   0.163834   0.470487   0.138782     0.01174803
    1    6   0.476248  -1.000953  -0.703023      0.1058322
    1    8  -0.974537   0.036864   0.074823     0.06391053
    3    4  -0.451032   0.081307   0.133315   0.0008390954
    3    6   0.813702   0.041789  -0.145655     0.01451224
    3    8  -0.471338   0.379340   0.229695     0.01112522
    4    6  -0.376975  -0.302664  -0.055987     0.00414494
    4    8  -0.459309   0.369070   0.164894    0.008565555
    6    8   0.233313  -0.240004  -0.078075   0.0006355328

This is the last part of the output, it just abruptly ends

so you don’t get

Transition Moments Between Singlet Excited States

which is below that?

Ah yes indeed! It seems that all jobs either go to completion, or crash right before Transition moments between singlet excited states

Is that part of the calculation particularly memory or disk intensive?

Shouldn’t be. Have you contacted Q-Chem support? I’m afraid this is beyond my abilities to diagnose at the moment, apologies for the slow follow-up.

Ah no problem! I’ll contact Q-Chem support!