T1 optimization in solution

Hello everyone!

I’ve been trying to perform geometry optimization of T1 state of a molecule in solution (ACN). Depending on the options used I’ve been getting two distinctly different geometries and some perplexing results, which I’m hoping you’ll help me understand.

I use two-job inputs, as in the first job I generate orbitals in desired, but user-defined basis set (DZP, since it’s not available). The second part of the input is as follows:


jobtype             opt
method              camb3lyp
dft_d               d3_bj
basis               gen
purecart            11
gen_scfman          false
SCF_GUESS           read
scf_final_print     true
MEM_STATIC          2000
MEM_TOTAL           80000
CIS_N_ROOTS         3
CIS_TRIPLETS        true
CIS_SINGLETS        false
RPA                 false
MOLDEN_FORMAT       true
IQMOL_FCHK          true
solvent_method      pcm

 NonEquilibrium true
 Theory         iefpcm
 StateSpecific  perturb

solventname        acetonitrile

As I’ve mentioned, I have been trying different variations of the $pcm section, which are summed up in the table:

NonEquilibrium Theory StateSpecific
orig TRUE iefpcm perturb
v1 - - -
v2 FALSE cpcm -
v3 FALSE iefpcm perturb
v4 TRUE cpcm -
v5 FALSE iefpcm perturb
v6 FALSE cpcm perturb
v7 - iefpcm perturb
v8 TRUE iefpcm -
v9 - iefpcm -

Energy convergence during the optimizations:
The energies here are the ones given after each step, for example:

Step 5     :
        Energy is -3967.0220022392

Starting point was the geometry obtained using the “orig” input file, or, if “_1” is present, a different one (usually the geometry obtained in v1 job).
In the second picture jobs v2, v4 and v6 resulted in exactly same energies.

Some jobs aren’t depicted above. v5, v7 and v8 indicated an already converged starting geometry (convergence in one step). v9 resulted in en error - SCF did not converge.

And here are my questions:

  1. Why does energy go up during the optimization?

Please refer to the pictures. As far as I know, the geometry should go down during optimization - but in some cases here it doesn’t, yet the job finished as successful. Why is that?

  1. How should I actually approach the geometry optimisation?

I’m not sure which is the correct approach here, since the geometry obtained in all the jobs except v1 results in the same structure, however the v1 job gives a structure that is virtually the same as one obtained using a different programme (also in pcm), but it’s also the same as the structure I get in vacuum.

  1. What do the options “NonEquilibrium” and “StateSpecific” actually do?

Comparing jobs v2 and v4 as well as orig and v3 shows that neither the final structures and energies depend on the “NonEquilibrium” value. Similar situation seems to appear for job orig and v5 - same structure, same energy. However, if I remove the “NonEquilibrium” option, the scf doesn’t converge - compare v8 and v9.

I’ll be grateful for any input on that matter.

Best regards,

This is difficult to diagnose without a complete input file but when in doubt I would start by optimizing the gas-phase structure first and use that as a starting point. There’s really no reason to use IEF-PCM so use C-PCM (which is the default). If you set SOLVENT_METHOD = PCM without any $pcm section, you will get the “0th-order” solvation model that just uses solvent-polarized MOs. The StateSpecific and Perturb keywords in $pcm correspond to nonequilibrium TDDFT-PCM corrections, as documented in the manual.

The complete input file follows:

1 1
C     3.2568677   -1.9281647   -0.8453459 
C     2.6719625   -0.7460928   -1.2925765 
C     2.4454348   -0.5656777   -2.6587525 
C     2.8100537   -1.5489060   -3.5667264 
C     3.3865662   -2.7311739   -3.1150076 
C     3.6088551   -2.9177466   -1.7560391 
P     2.0703344    0.5548492   -0.1583106 
Cu   -0.1198717    1.0507443   -0.4861404 
N    -0.4798275    2.9138698   -1.3659940 
C    -1.0389494    2.7740191   -2.6042240 
C    -1.2673801    4.0396134   -3.0868703 
N    -0.8266704    4.8445068   -2.0957573 
N    -0.3538035    4.1589406   -1.0616527 
C    -1.2593808    1.4283963   -3.1398692 
N    -0.8988418    0.4423231   -2.3367296 
C    -1.0259074   -0.8485702   -2.7529439 
C    -1.5539283   -1.1582340   -4.0332949 
C    -1.9473448   -0.0819331   -4.8610832 
C    -1.8006264    1.2048074   -4.4239600 
C    -0.6037072   -1.8918311   -1.8987921 
C    -0.7078407   -3.1922411   -2.3087096 
C    -1.2373031   -3.5091707   -3.5808155 
C    -1.6519169   -2.5153303   -4.4255365 
P    -1.3955642    0.5594972    1.3261627 
C    -1.5869136   -1.2065558    1.7595851 
C    -0.4866064   -2.0647096    1.6778583 
C    -0.5988864   -3.4219930    1.9314351 
C    -1.8341168   -3.9481822    2.2907428 
C    -2.9431963   -3.1163473    2.3841141 
C    -2.8186067   -1.7582615    2.1172751 
O     0.7205013   -1.5658928    1.2325178 
C     1.5990952   -0.9628622    2.1044242 
C     2.4338181    0.0007921    1.5334191 
C     3.3871742    0.6154913    2.3437196 
C     3.4836669    0.2955394    3.6916526 
C     2.6236139   -0.6477910    4.2399661 
C     1.6790416   -1.2900092    3.4481912 
H    -0.8196117    5.8586881   -2.0592533 
H    -1.6877431    4.4211264   -4.0100435 
H    -2.0892998    2.0471364   -5.0501087 
H    -2.3600896   -0.2889023   -5.8490016 
H    -2.0586424   -2.7523681   -5.4089250 
H    -1.3108530   -4.5518523   -3.8879150 
H    -0.3725407   -3.9922627   -1.6496188 
H    -0.1747592   -1.6335818   -0.9339737 
H    -2.7694319    0.9064608    1.3505098 
C    -0.7939996    1.3446234    2.8644980 
H    -3.6968729   -1.1154094    2.1816806 
H    -3.9136874   -3.5264114    2.6610631 
H    -1.9296453   -5.0142842    2.4944279 
H     0.2855429   -4.0511496    1.8369546 
H     1.0045484   -2.0313162    3.8729004 
H     2.6876311   -0.8945782    5.2992892 
H     4.2269459    0.7889889    4.3161104 
H     4.0502076    1.3685408    1.9173152 
H     3.0763569    1.5445929   -0.2869550 
H     1.9651780    0.3475304   -3.0142863 
H     2.6311555   -1.3981309   -4.6312642 
H     3.6637528   -3.5097233   -3.8255611 
H     4.0648769   -3.8413508   -1.3993315 
H     3.4370509   -2.0805542    0.2182922 
C     0.1026306    2.4062343    2.7504441 
C     0.5943924    3.0323128    3.8892568 
C     0.1975491    2.5968807    5.1468452 
C    -0.6969773    1.5374392    5.2663413 
C    -1.1916006    0.9126172    4.1308152 
H     0.4188123    2.7428716    1.7619698 
H     1.2968200    3.8598301    3.7919658 
H     0.5874585    3.0835706    6.0408231 
H    -1.0095149    1.1947265    6.2526736 
H    -1.8822681    0.0751658    4.2326690 

jobtype            sp 
method             camb3lyp 
dft_d              d3_bj
basis              gen
basis2             sto-3g
purecart           11 
gen_scfman         false 
scf_final_print    true

cu 0
   s  6  1.0 
  441087.25070     -0.21814173104E-03
  66112.021187     -0.16921935882E-02
  15047.011425     -0.88137131631E-02
  4263.4273084     -0.35954659517E-01
  1396.3815797     -0.11742970473
  511.96055788     -0.28844267427
   s  2  1.0
  203.45426948     -0.42678898925
  82.792337027     -0.33044128545
   s  1  1.0
  20.854285634       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  9.0410679584       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  2.7518135173       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  1.0434856515       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.11172292442       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.41041020330E-01   1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  2530.0965671      0.19137941259E-02
  600.09792954      0.15797670964E-01
  194.08204479      0.76271259615E-01
   p  3  1.0
  73.671821377      0.23881452309
  30.447369690      0.44980015897
  13.122714875      0.39337682391
   p  1  1.0
  5.5214839972       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
  2.1457922130       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
 0.76797488702       1.0000000000
   d  3  1.0
  47.313743703      0.32399760431E-01
  13.154688449      0.16822706530
  4.3662885749      0.38494429603
   d  1  1.0
  1.4122065936       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
 0.38840713001       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
 0.15506500000       1.0000000000
p 0
   s  5  1.0
  43629.146384      0.60290694324E-03
  6544.9101761      0.46551468038E-02
  1489.8784631      0.23786703379E-01
  422.38300193      0.90866640549E-01
  138.69747966      0.24743794714
   s  2  1.0
  50.865386699      0.45854747443
  19.826936819      0.30750563013
   s  1  1.0
  4.5933029207       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  1.7570187795       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.34358804778       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.12451452677       1.0000000000
   p  4  1.0
  215.97067949      0.99703587825E-02
  50.428986942      0.70614266037E-01
  15.653604009      0.25773443022
  5.4085976775      0.49153067625
   p  1  1.0
  1.9189363936       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
 0.45420822084       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
 0.13190937083       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
 0.45000000000       1.0000000000
h 0
   s  3  1.0
  13.010701000      0.19682158000E-01
  1.9622572000      0.13796524000
 0.44453796000      0.47831935000
   s  1  1.0
 0.12194962000       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
 0.80000000000       1.0000000000
o 0 
   s  5  1.0
  6773.3747000      0.17266130000E-02
  1016.7970000      0.13246484000E-01
  231.26738000      0.66026157000E-01
  65.008454000      0.23528361000
  20.499808000      0.54976236000
   s  1  1.0
  6.7160664000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  1.1471572000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.33423251000       1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  17.694264000      0.43590224000E-01
  3.8536027000      0.23178087000
  1.0467465000      0.51455969000
   p  1  1.0
 0.27586043000       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
  1.2000000000       1.0000000000

n 0
   s  5  1.0
  5071.9892000      0.17067238000E-02
  761.41791000      0.13087696000E-01
  173.18418000      0.65098252000E-01
  48.670390000      0.23051603000
  15.331448000      0.53300474000
   s  1  1.0
  5.0186710000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.83554772000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.24626814000       1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  13.550722000      0.40630840000E-01
  2.9178682000      0.22085799000
 0.79831252000      0.51860142000
   p  1  1.0
 0.21900125000       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
  1.0000000000       1.0000000000

f 0
   s  5  1.0
  8709.5462000      0.13935739000E-02
  1307.4134000      0.10695073000E-01
  297.36441000      0.53389308000E-01
  83.602154000      0.19112479000
  26.385121000      0.44987537000
   s  1  1.0
  8.6499174000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  1.5043291000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.43408405000       1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  22.665994000      0.34028872000E-01
  4.9760341000      0.17865315000
  1.3476543000      0.38497323000
   p  1  1.0
 0.34775168000       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
  1.4000000000       1.0000000000

b 0
   s  5  1.0
  2410.2061000      0.17549915000E-02
  361.86992000      0.13436405000E-01
  82.308593000      0.66369025000E-01
  23.109942000      0.23025297000
  7.2517259000      0.51498212000
   s  1  1.0
  2.3666469000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.35987078000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.11162889000       1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  6.0017073000     -0.35545320000E-01
  1.2401097000     -0.19834505000
 0.33668024000     -0.50478729000
   p  1  1.0
 0.95590862000E-01   1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
 0.50000000000       1.0000000000
c 0
   s  5  1.0
  3623.8613000      0.16339191000E-02
  544.04621000      0.12521701000E-01
  123.74338000      0.62113914000E-01
  34.763209000      0.21817729000
  10.933333000      0.49800431000
   s  1  1.0
  3.5744765000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.57483245000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.17303640000       1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  9.4432819000      0.37895451000E-01
  2.0017986000      0.20818177000
 0.54629718000      0.50474166000
   p  1  1.0
 0.15202684000       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
 0.80000000000       1.0000000000



jobtype             opt
method              camb3lyp
dft_d		    d3_bj 
basis               gen
purecart            11 
gen_scfman          false 
SCF_GUESS           read
scf_final_print     true
MEM_STATIC          2000
MEM_TOTAL           80000
CIS_N_ROOTS 	    5
CIS_TRIPLETS 	    true
CIS_SINGLETS        false
RPA		    false
MOLDEN_FORMAT       true
IQMOL_FCHK 	    true
solvent_method      pcm

 NonEquilibrium true
 Theory         iefpcm
 StateSpecific  perturb

solventname        acetonitrile

cu 0
   s  6  1.0 
  441087.25070     -0.21814173104E-03
  66112.021187     -0.16921935882E-02
  15047.011425     -0.88137131631E-02
  4263.4273084     -0.35954659517E-01
  1396.3815797     -0.11742970473
  511.96055788     -0.28844267427
   s  2  1.0
  203.45426948     -0.42678898925
  82.792337027     -0.33044128545
   s  1  1.0
  20.854285634       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  9.0410679584       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  2.7518135173       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  1.0434856515       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.11172292442       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.41041020330E-01   1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  2530.0965671      0.19137941259E-02
  600.09792954      0.15797670964E-01
  194.08204479      0.76271259615E-01
   p  3  1.0
  73.671821377      0.23881452309
  30.447369690      0.44980015897
  13.122714875      0.39337682391
   p  1  1.0
  5.5214839972       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
  2.1457922130       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
 0.76797488702       1.0000000000
   d  3  1.0
  47.313743703      0.32399760431E-01
  13.154688449      0.16822706530
  4.3662885749      0.38494429603
   d  1  1.0
  1.4122065936       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
 0.38840713001       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
 0.15506500000       1.0000000000
p 0
   s  5  1.0
  43629.146384      0.60290694324E-03
  6544.9101761      0.46551468038E-02
  1489.8784631      0.23786703379E-01
  422.38300193      0.90866640549E-01
  138.69747966      0.24743794714
   s  2  1.0
  50.865386699      0.45854747443
  19.826936819      0.30750563013
   s  1  1.0
  4.5933029207       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  1.7570187795       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.34358804778       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.12451452677       1.0000000000
   p  4  1.0
  215.97067949      0.99703587825E-02
  50.428986942      0.70614266037E-01
  15.653604009      0.25773443022
  5.4085976775      0.49153067625
   p  1  1.0
  1.9189363936       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
 0.45420822084       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
 0.13190937083       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
 0.45000000000       1.0000000000
h 0
   s  3  1.0
  13.010701000      0.19682158000E-01
  1.9622572000      0.13796524000
 0.44453796000      0.47831935000
   s  1  1.0
 0.12194962000       1.0000000000
   p  1  1.0
 0.80000000000       1.0000000000
o 0 
   s  5  1.0
  6773.3747000      0.17266130000E-02
  1016.7970000      0.13246484000E-01
  231.26738000      0.66026157000E-01
  65.008454000      0.23528361000
  20.499808000      0.54976236000
   s  1  1.0
  6.7160664000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  1.1471572000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.33423251000       1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  17.694264000      0.43590224000E-01
  3.8536027000      0.23178087000
  1.0467465000      0.51455969000
   p  1  1.0
 0.27586043000       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
  1.2000000000       1.0000000000

n 0
   s  5  1.0
  5071.9892000      0.17067238000E-02
  761.41791000      0.13087696000E-01
  173.18418000      0.65098252000E-01
  48.670390000      0.23051603000
  15.331448000      0.53300474000
   s  1  1.0
  5.0186710000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.83554772000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.24626814000       1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  13.550722000      0.40630840000E-01
  2.9178682000      0.22085799000
 0.79831252000      0.51860142000
   p  1  1.0
 0.21900125000       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
  1.0000000000       1.0000000000

f 0
   s  5  1.0
  8709.5462000      0.13935739000E-02
  1307.4134000      0.10695073000E-01
  297.36441000      0.53389308000E-01
  83.602154000      0.19112479000
  26.385121000      0.44987537000
   s  1  1.0
  8.6499174000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
  1.5043291000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.43408405000       1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  22.665994000      0.34028872000E-01
  4.9760341000      0.17865315000
  1.3476543000      0.38497323000
   p  1  1.0
 0.34775168000       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
  1.4000000000       1.0000000000

b 0
   s  5  1.0
  2410.2061000      0.17549915000E-02
  361.86992000      0.13436405000E-01
  82.308593000      0.66369025000E-01
  23.109942000      0.23025297000
  7.2517259000      0.51498212000
   s  1  1.0
  2.3666469000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.35987078000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.11162889000       1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  6.0017073000     -0.35545320000E-01
  1.2401097000     -0.19834505000
 0.33668024000     -0.50478729000
   p  1  1.0
 0.95590862000E-01   1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
 0.50000000000       1.0000000000
c 0
   s  5  1.0
  3623.8613000      0.16339191000E-02
  544.04621000      0.12521701000E-01
  123.74338000      0.62113914000E-01
  34.763209000      0.21817729000
  10.933333000      0.49800431000
   s  1  1.0
  3.5744765000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.57483245000       1.0000000000
   s  1  1.0
 0.17303640000       1.0000000000
   p  3  1.0
  9.4432819000      0.37895451000E-01
  2.0017986000      0.20818177000
 0.54629718000      0.50474166000
   p  1  1.0
 0.15202684000       1.0000000000
   d  1  1.0
 0.80000000000       1.0000000000

Why is there no reason to use iefpcm? Isn’t it generally recommended (especially rather than cpcm)?

I will try this and get back to you.

Regarding IEF-PCM, my assessment is that if you’re trying to parse tiny differences between IEF-PCM and C-PCM, you are over-interpreting continuum solvation. See:

C-PCM is simpler (fewer moving parts) and thus implemented for more things in Q-Chem.

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It’s hard for me to do a lot of testing on such a large example so I reduced the basis set to 6-31G in order to get more steps quickly. The resulting energy steps look like this:

This behavior doesn’t strike me as unusual. The minimizer is not steepest descent so the energy isn’t guaranteed to go down at every step, even for ground-state optimizations. For excited states there is the additional possibility of adiabatic state switching.